it was nothing cause its kinda an exercise n not the real exam...but what would it be if that was my real try out should cost around 20buck...ahaha, seem like mine was 60buck...damn a lot of money just burn out like that...
well that mean i gotta stdy bout this f**kin law....dont wanna throw my money just for a lazy questions...
well done with it,i head to SUMMIT bkt mertajam, a couple of block from where i was born...nothing change.still same old building fill with REMPIT guy n indon...ahaha...hell yaa...if it wasn't for bowling i wouldn't go there...actually there if a better place for bowling which is PACIFIC a.k.a penang megamall...a lil' bit bout this megamall,it was once a famous place for people from butterworth,prai,kulim and even people from sg. petani would come for this lovely shopping complex...but that was back then before SUNWAY carnival were opened...almost all the shop in megamall closed as the sunway on the run...
well, people always looking for something new,rite??then time by time this holy complex(is it??) loss its credibility on seducing people to come...
the only people who went there is the only people who is like me...bowler...
why didn't i go there today...for an answer nothing than for MONEY...ahaha...
30buck were in the wallet(...munchkin bg wallet tue =)...)
the only choice i got is this REMPIT place lol...
well, first i only pay for 3 frame/game...then add 1 more game coz my score is getting worse and worse...uhuhu...(T.T)
myb there been a while im not fact the lane not well the hook went out from the degree it suppose to be....most of my previous experience was took from alamanda bowling who's bowl out there,dont waste your money for playing at summit...
here is how it look when u do hook on this summit lane...
afterward when back home meeting "just married" know who if u do refer my previous post...
well,today is damia birthday...not much as my 2nd brother wasn't here...most of the time he will be the one who spent for this...there only a cake and some koew teow which my mak chaq bring for damia's party....actually not even a party...well what else can i call it...
sorry damia,uncle wan da kering lol...really sorry for not doing or buy anything for u sayang...
here the pic...
there's damia duk ngada2...
for me...
wann yang cool...