Berikut adalah senarai Syarikat dan produk mereka serta sumbangan mereka ke rejim Zionis dan Amerika:
Syarikat : Phillip Morris Produk : Rokok dan Makanan Jenama : Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Benson & Hedges, Winston, Gold Coast, Merit, Parliament, Alpine, Basic, Cambridge, Bristol, Bucks, Chesterfield, Collector’s Choice, Commander, English Ovals, Lark, L&M, Players and Saratoga, C? e d’Or, Philadelphia, Polo, Milka, Malabar, Marabou, Prince Fakta : 12 % keuntungannya adalah untuk Israel, Setiap hari umat Islam membelanjakan USD 800 juta untuk membeli rokok mereka, keuntungan purata 10% atau USD 80 juta sehari. JADI USD 9.6 JUTA DUIT ORANG ISLAM PERGI KE ISRAEL SETIAP HARI
Syarikat : Coca-Cola - McDonalds - Burger King - Pizza Hut ?KFC Produk : Minuman Jenama : Light Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Canada Dry, Crush, Schweppes, Minute Maid, Nestea, Dr. Pepper Fakta : Sejak 1966 Coca Cola meyokong penuh negara Israel. Coca Cola telah menerima anugerah tertinggi dari kerajaan Israel kerana lebih 30 tahun menyokong mereka serta membantah boikot Liga Arab terhadap Israel.
Syarikat : Nestle Jenama : Kit Kat, Perrier, Libby, Nescafe, Maggie, Buitoni, Nestea, Freskies, Vittel, Pure Life, Nido, Smarties, Lion, Polo, After Eight, Coffee Mate, Nesquik, Aero, Quality Street, Felix (cat food), Crosse & Blackwell, Milkmaid, Carnation, Shreddies, Baci Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Milkybar, Frutips Fakta :
Syarikat Swiss ini dimilikki 50.1% oleh syarikat Israel, Osem Investments. Pada tahun 2000 mengumumkan untuk melabur berjuta-juta dolar di Israel dalam R & D. Pada tahun Peter Brabeck-Letmathe bagi pihak Nestle menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Netanyahu.
Syarikat : Disney Produk : Disneyland, Euro-Disney, Jenama Disney, Kartun, Filem Fakta : Pameran Walt Disney Millennium di Epcot Centre Florida menonjolkan Jerusalem sebagai ibu negara Israel. Kos US 8 juta untuk pameran ini dibiayai US 1.8 juta oleh Israel untuk menentukan isi kandungan pameran. Ini adalah kempen Israel menggunakan Disneyland untuk menguasai Jerusalem sepenuhnya.
Syarikat : Delta Galil Industries Ltd. Produk : Pasaraya, Pakaian dan Kasut Jenama : JC Penney , Carrefour Nike, Reebok, Converse, Calvin Klein, Gap, Boss, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, Bauer, Wrangler, Dim, Old Navy Dockers, Celio, J. Crew , Caterpillar, Lou Riders, Pryca Fakta : Syarikat kain terbesar Israel. Pengasasnya Dov Lautman adalah kenalan rapat Presiden Israel ketika itu Ehud Barak.
Syarikat : Nokia Produk : Telekomunikasi, telefon bimbit dan elektronik Fakta : Nokia melabur begitu banyak di Israel dan memanggilnya PROJEK ISRAEL.
Syarikat : Danone Produk : Makanan, minuman dan biskut Produk : Evian, Alpina, LU Biscuits, Tuc, Volvic, Strauss dairy, Jacob biscuits, Danone yogart, HP foods, LEA & PERRINS, Sant? Galbani, Danao, Danette Fakta : Pada tahun 1998 Franck Riboud bagi pihak Danone menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel, Netanyahu. Anugerah tertinggi negara Israel untuk syarikat yang memperkukuhkan ekonomi Israel. Institut Danone, satu institut Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan telah di tubuhkan di Israel pada tahun 1998.
Syarikat : Johnson & Johnson Produk : Kesihatan. Fakta : Pada tahun 1998 Roger S. Fineon bagi pihak Johnson & Johnson, menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel Netanyahu.
Syarikat : Revlon Produk : Kosmetik Fakta : Jutawan Ronald Perelman yang memilikki Revlaon adalah seorang Zionis. Penyokong kuat Zionis Merupakan pemegang amanah Pusat Simon Wiesenthal Center yang menggunakan Holocaust untuk mendapatkan sokongan Zionisma dan Israel.
Syarikat : AOL Time Warner Produk : Media Elektronik dan Cetak Jenama : ICQ, Warner Bros, CNN, AOL, Times magazine Fakta : AOL memperuntukkan 30% daripada portfolio keuntungan di Israel. Pada tahun 1998 AOL menerima anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Netanyahu.
p/s:pikirkan la nasib saudare2 islam kite..10 sen duit anda ibarat anda mndermakan 1 pluru untuk mmbunuh saudare2 kite...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
kejor yop...!!!
nie cter psl 2,3 ari lps la...tak dpt nk post coz internet prob lak...
setting tuk 2 (pc aku n abg) pc asyik clash je...tah la... yg berlaku 2,3 ari lepas...ermmm,aku g perak...nme tmpt tue titi gantung kot kalau tak salah la...cousin aku meninggal...Al-Fatihah wat dia dpt la sijil yg kite sume akn dpt one day nnt...sijil mati...
pas tgk kt sijil tue,doktor sah kn dia lumpuh b4 dia pegi...tah la..aku tak phm sgt psl tuh...yg pasti dia da lepas seksaan kubur coz dia nie cacat/terencat since dari lahir lg...he is special...mmg sume org nmpk sdey...aku phm cmne diorg rse coz aku penah lalui saat tuh...tambah bile org yg tgl kn kite tue org yg paling rapat ngn kite...aku kehilangan satu2 nye kakak yg aku ada kt dunia nih pd 05/06/07...
pe yg sdey kn lg aku bile niat aku nk jmpe arwah akak,dia pegi 2 ari pastuh...cte nye cmni,arwah de latihan pelapes kt uitm s.a. so aku pun nk la g jmpe dia coz aku kt sepang time tuh (still stdy kt miat)...aku cll la mama tuk confirm n tny pndpt mama klau aku g melawat akak kt sne ok ke tak...yer la,takut ggu lak latihan dia...tue kire latihan terakhir la coz dia akan dipertauliah kn left. muda lg seminggu kot...
mama tak kasi coz takut ggu dia n myb nnt kne marah ngn pegawai dia lak coz jmpe time aku accept je la...
well,aku de msg dia tny dia cmne...dia reply,dia letey sgt2...cian dia...esk lusa nye aku balik umah kt kulim...then kami sekeluarga g la perak,same place as i mention kenduri pe tah...esk nye kami dpt cll dri balai polis kte akak da terlantar kt hospital...diorg da cube contact kami sekeluarga tp tak dpt...yer la,tmpt tue kn cm pendalaman skit...they even came to our house in kulim but sad to say coz we in perak dat time...
mama n abh mintak aku abg 2nd,abg1st n wife dia balik umah kt kulim kot2 de pe2...mama n abah gerak s.a tuk tgk akak...
aku sampai je umah kt kulim,mama n abah cll dri klan kte akak de kt icu pe lg,kami adik bradik trus gerak g klang from kulim...
sampai je sne mama approach aku then ckp "wan,trima la suma ni ngn redha,kak na tak ley tahan lama lg"...
tuhan je yg tau cmne aku rse time tuh...tue la aku btul2 nanges coz sdey2 sgt...aku mmg tak ley trime sume nih...celaru sgt perasaan aku time tuh...nk marah de...geran,takut,sedey,tak paham...tak tau la nk ckp cmne...
then aku masuk dlm wad tmpt kak byk sgt paip2 plus ngn wire2 kt seluruh bdn dia...kak da yg wat jantung dia berdenyut hanyalah sebuah mesin life support...mmg aku tak phm,mama kte doktor ckp akak myb kne denggi tp npe tmpt dia tak di quarantine pun...
tak mo cte lg...
nnt lg2 la aku sdey...
so balik psl cter kt perak....pas kebumikn arwah cousin aku tuh kami lepak jp sampai ptg b4 balik kulim...
well,mmg penat tp it is an honor to u my dear cousin...we all love u...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"adik pass KPP test, tahniah.."

all new 370z fairlady
tue la ucapan yg kuar dari mulut akak yg jge kaunter kt tmpt test computer KPP...uhuhu...
aku senyum je la...yer la,bukan nyer tak tau,kn pas je abis menjwb kite da nmpk keputusan tuk tue,so akak tue takkan nk aku tipu2 wat terkejut
result test aku tak de la truk or ok sgt pun...cukup2 je...aku dpt 49/50...
erm...klau dpt full mark kn best...uhuhu...
tak pe la...
syukur aku gak la yg tak pass time aku kt ctue...
sorg gurl nie siap muke cm nk mkn org je bile abis jwb exam KPP time aku jmpe kt luar office tue dia da nanges cam ribut daaa...tak de lakental sgt cm kt dlm td...
tue la kot yg di kte kn ego...
erm...cian gak...
aku dgr2 dia dpt 41...lg satu btul dia pass la...
cian nye...nak wat cmne...myb set soalan dia susah sgt kot...takpe,nnt akak dtg try lg eyh,aku ckp dlm ati je la...kang klau ckp dpn2 mau kne pijak lak muka aku nih...
ingt ptg tue nak kuar main bowling ngn adik aku tp tgn aku still sakit lg...sakit sgt lak tuh...kire the whole right arm aku cm pain sgt2...nak lift bola pun tak ley...
munchkin tlong sapu kn minyak...uhuhu...
a trip to aused-unied...
bgn pagi gosok gigi...lg lg lg...tak tau da...tue lagu zaman kanak2 aku...
so trip g melawat aused pun bermula...
aku n abah je g...just the two of lagu je kn...
perjalanan yg cm bosan tue mengambil masa lebey kurang 2jam...tmpt tue terletak berhampiran gurney drive kot...lebey specific kt jalan burma...kitorg sesat atas kedegilana abah yg langsung takmo dgr ckp aku...
lebey kurang 1jam lebey gak la sesat...
kitorg da masuk jalan yg btul ley lak dia cube2 nk try jln sendri...
susah tul la nk phm org tua nih...uhuhu...
sampai je kt sana aku pun isi borang tuk apply BSc (Hons)Aircraft Maintenance Engineering...
kire ni another chapter tuk course stdy aku la...diploma aku pun aircraft maintenance...
doa kn aku dpt g sne keyh...uhuhu...(thank in advance=>)
tp klau g spe nk tgk kn munchkin...uhuhu...
ni pic atas ferry ondaway nk g penang...

de kapal star cruises lol...
so trip g melawat aused pun bermula...
aku n abah je g...just the two of lagu je kn...
perjalanan yg cm bosan tue mengambil masa lebey kurang 2jam...tmpt tue terletak berhampiran gurney drive kot...lebey specific kt jalan burma...kitorg sesat atas kedegilana abah yg langsung takmo dgr ckp aku...
lebey kurang 1jam lebey gak la sesat...
kitorg da masuk jalan yg btul ley lak dia cube2 nk try jln sendri...
susah tul la nk phm org tua nih...uhuhu...
sampai je kt sana aku pun isi borang tuk apply BSc (Hons)Aircraft Maintenance Engineering...
kire ni another chapter tuk course stdy aku la...diploma aku pun aircraft maintenance...
doa kn aku dpt g sne keyh...uhuhu...(thank in advance=>)
tp klau g spe nk tgk kn munchkin...uhuhu...
ni pic atas ferry ondaway nk g penang...
de kapal star cruises lol...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
what a fine day...
another fine day...ari nie pepagi(actually kul11.30 da) gerak g wat latihan computer tuk ujian pass that exam u need to get 42 out of 50 took me 3 times to get above first tryout got 41 then the second turn out to be 39...WTF!!!but that wouldn't stop me for the next try,turn out to be 47...ahahaha....
it was nothing cause its kinda an exercise n not the real exam...but what would it be if that was my real try out should cost around 20buck...ahaha, seem like mine was 60buck...damn a lot of money just burn out like that...
well that mean i gotta stdy bout this f**kin law....dont wanna throw my money just for a lazy questions...
well done with it,i head to SUMMIT bkt mertajam, a couple of block from where i was born...nothing change.still same old building fill with REMPIT guy n indon...ahaha...hell yaa...if it wasn't for bowling i wouldn't go there...actually there if a better place for bowling which is PACIFIC a.k.a penang megamall...a lil' bit bout this megamall,it was once a famous place for people from butterworth,prai,kulim and even people from sg. petani would come for this lovely shopping complex...but that was back then before SUNWAY carnival were opened...almost all the shop in megamall closed as the sunway on the run...
well, people always looking for something new,rite??then time by time this holy complex(is it??) loss its credibility on seducing people to come...
the only people who went there is the only people who is like me...bowler...
why didn't i go there today...for an answer nothing than for MONEY...ahaha...
30buck were in the wallet(...munchkin bg wallet tue =)...)
the only choice i got is this REMPIT place lol...
well, first i only pay for 3 frame/game...then add 1 more game coz my score is getting worse and worse...uhuhu...(T.T)
myb there been a while im not fact the lane not well the hook went out from the degree it suppose to be....most of my previous experience was took from alamanda bowling who's bowl out there,dont waste your money for playing at summit...
here is how it look when u do hook on this summit lane...
afterward when back home meeting "just married" know who if u do refer my previous post...
well,today is damia birthday...not much as my 2nd brother wasn't here...most of the time he will be the one who spent for this...there only a cake and some koew teow which my mak chaq bring for damia's party....actually not even a party...well what else can i call it...
sorry damia,uncle wan da kering lol...really sorry for not doing or buy anything for u sayang...
here the pic...

there's damia duk ngada2...

for me...
it was nothing cause its kinda an exercise n not the real exam...but what would it be if that was my real try out should cost around 20buck...ahaha, seem like mine was 60buck...damn a lot of money just burn out like that...
well that mean i gotta stdy bout this f**kin law....dont wanna throw my money just for a lazy questions...
well done with it,i head to SUMMIT bkt mertajam, a couple of block from where i was born...nothing change.still same old building fill with REMPIT guy n indon...ahaha...hell yaa...if it wasn't for bowling i wouldn't go there...actually there if a better place for bowling which is PACIFIC a.k.a penang megamall...a lil' bit bout this megamall,it was once a famous place for people from butterworth,prai,kulim and even people from sg. petani would come for this lovely shopping complex...but that was back then before SUNWAY carnival were opened...almost all the shop in megamall closed as the sunway on the run...
well, people always looking for something new,rite??then time by time this holy complex(is it??) loss its credibility on seducing people to come...
the only people who went there is the only people who is like me...bowler...
why didn't i go there today...for an answer nothing than for MONEY...ahaha...
30buck were in the wallet(...munchkin bg wallet tue =)...)
the only choice i got is this REMPIT place lol...
well, first i only pay for 3 frame/game...then add 1 more game coz my score is getting worse and worse...uhuhu...(T.T)
myb there been a while im not fact the lane not well the hook went out from the degree it suppose to be....most of my previous experience was took from alamanda bowling who's bowl out there,dont waste your money for playing at summit...
here is how it look when u do hook on this summit lane...
afterward when back home meeting "just married" know who if u do refer my previous post...
well,today is damia birthday...not much as my 2nd brother wasn't here...most of the time he will be the one who spent for this...there only a cake and some koew teow which my mak chaq bring for damia's party....actually not even a party...well what else can i call it...
sorry damia,uncle wan da kering lol...really sorry for not doing or buy anything for u sayang...
here the pic...
there's damia duk ngada2...
for me...
quite sleepy..
Oooppss...esok kne bgn awal clss driving loorr.malas nye nk bgn awl...cmne nih???
what ever happen pun kne bgn gak la...lgpun mlm ni cm tak de pe2 sgt nak wat...normally time2 gini aku tgk DEXTER tp da abis la plak...
tgh tggu season3 episode 11 and 12 siap lak then sambung la balik activity mlm aku...
tp klau da abis cter tue kne la aku cari alternative lain lak tuk mambazir kn masa yg penuh ngn kebosanan...
esk pas clss aku plan nk g main bowling la...da lme sgt tak main nih...sure longkang je nnt...wat malu je kalau pakai hand guard...ahaha...mmpus la...FOKUSSS!!!
mintak2 la tak ramai org...da la recrd aku makin truk je...b4 pakai glove ley je maintain 140+...pas pakai maki truk la main...hook pun da cm pe lg...
pakcik2 kt alley tue ckp aku kne tmbah berat bola...which means bola baru la n mne lak nak gali duit nak bli...uhuhu~~
ni la yg tak best jd pengangur sepenuh masa nih...
nk kne kje nih...
da2...jgn nak melalut lg...kalau tak usaha cari kje cmne nak dpt
pas main bowling i gonna rush back for my lovely niece birthday...uhuhu...
sori damia coz pakcik wan takder duit nak bli present...pakcik janji eyh,nnt pakcik da kje pakcik bli kn hadiah keyh...muawh...=)
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