uhuhu...ayat tue sesuai sgt la ngn aku wat mse skunk nih...da pnt thp gaban nih...tp nk wat cmne,kne gak gagah kn diri coz nnt nk org ganti kn aku...
ni sume gara2 nk bertemu ngn yg tersyg...aku da rindu sgt2 kt dia...da lme tak spend time sme2...yerla,since kje kt penang nih,aku da makin kurang masa ngn dia...harap sgt dia phm keadaan aku n bley trime sume nih...so bile nk jmpe kne la aku memerah keringat lebey skit...
cian kt dia,da la nk exm...aku lak jauh...tak dpt tmn kn dia...tp myb tue yg terbaik tuk kitorg...spe tau kn...sume nih de hikmah...yg penting dia de semangat nk stdy...
tuk pengetahuan sume penumpang airlines tmbng rendah malaysia (mls nk sebut nama),klau korg nmpk muka aku handle kapal kt bwh bttr byk mengucap keyh...senjak akhir nih aku asyik wat silap je...uhuhu...myb da letey sgt kot...ni la human factor...antara subject yg aku stdy...bile da letey sgt human tend to make mistake...penah skali tue aku g sound maintenance engineer kt kL...ahaha...pdhal dia ley buang aku kje bbile je...ish2...nasib baik la aku cpt sedor...mntak maap balik...yg terbaru,aku lepas kn kapal tuk fly g JB without an approval...kire flight tue jd illegal la...klau jd pe2 sure mati katak je passenger...takpun engineer aku kne buang kje n kne saman lg kot ats...waaaa....truk nye aku...
tp aku da cube perbaiki diri...aku stdy balik pe yg ptt aku tgk b4 kapal landed,upon arrival,parking,transit,refueling,safety,FOD check,WAC,departure....so Insyallah sume ok...aku takmo jd pe2 lg...skunk aku da lebey phm pe yg ptt aku wat...
20hb nih aku trun kL...wat pe lg...nk jmpe yg tersyg la kn...penat2 aku duk cover org,ni time aku nk bercuti lak...hope dia akan happy ngn aku de dcc dia nnt...aku nk dia rse tenang..no more serabut2...cian kt dia...
next month plan nk bli xperia la...yerla,da OT...time tue la nk merasa hasil titik peluh...ehehe...tp tak musyuk laa...duit halal tuh...
k la...de kje lg nih...td depart kn kapal ke BKI a.k.a k.kinabalu...kapal tue dari SIN a.k.a singapore...jp g kapal MES a.k.a medan...uhuhu...
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
maaf zahir & batin...
Selamat Hari Raya....
pejam celik pejam celik da cukup sebulan kita sume berpuasa...kepada yg tak cukup tue jgn la lupe nk ganti yer...Alhamdulillah aku cukup...ehehe...
kepada sesiapa yg berada dkt area kulim nih or de dtg ke utara, jemput2 la dtg beraya kt teratak buruk ku nih...
hari nih agak busy skit la coz seperti sume insan lain,aku kne kemas umah, bilik2(tp tak abis kemas pun)...td pasang pelita ngn adik...erm....adey,mmg penat....sawang da byk cm umah antu je kn...ehehe...
esk pepagi seperti tahun lepas2, kami sekeluarga akan sembahyang raya kt masjid kg air merah...then pegi melawat kubur arwah akak...da lme aku tak gi..sdey nye...
aku da cuba yg terbaik tuk wat raya kali nih abah n mama happy...takmo diorg terasa ketiadaan arwah akak...coz b4 dis she the one do thing around our house...she makes our raya more happening...even i couldn't make it,i hope it fill the atmosphere like she was here....
2nd raya i will be working as usual...my routine back as a technician even though raya is still goes around...(posa sebulan raya pun sebulan la kan)....
aku akhiri post kali nih ngn memohon seribu kemaafan kepada semua insan yg mengenali diri nih...
yang baik itu dari Allah and yg buruk tue adalah kelemahan diri ku sendiri...
moga kita dipanjang kn umo tuk bertemu Ramadhan akan datang...Insyallah...
pejam celik pejam celik da cukup sebulan kita sume berpuasa...kepada yg tak cukup tue jgn la lupe nk ganti yer...Alhamdulillah aku cukup...ehehe...
kepada sesiapa yg berada dkt area kulim nih or de dtg ke utara, jemput2 la dtg beraya kt teratak buruk ku nih...
hari nih agak busy skit la coz seperti sume insan lain,aku kne kemas umah, bilik2(tp tak abis kemas pun)...td pasang pelita ngn adik...erm....adey,mmg penat....sawang da byk cm umah antu je kn...ehehe...
esk pepagi seperti tahun lepas2, kami sekeluarga akan sembahyang raya kt masjid kg air merah...then pegi melawat kubur arwah akak...da lme aku tak gi..sdey nye...
aku da cuba yg terbaik tuk wat raya kali nih abah n mama happy...takmo diorg terasa ketiadaan arwah akak...coz b4 dis she the one do thing around our house...she makes our raya more happening...even i couldn't make it,i hope it fill the atmosphere like she was here....
2nd raya i will be working as usual...my routine back as a technician even though raya is still goes around...(posa sebulan raya pun sebulan la kan)....
aku akhiri post kali nih ngn memohon seribu kemaafan kepada semua insan yg mengenali diri nih...
yang baik itu dari Allah and yg buruk tue adalah kelemahan diri ku sendiri...
moga kita dipanjang kn umo tuk bertemu Ramadhan akan datang...Insyallah...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
anda di awasi...
adey...bersempena ngn tajuk di ats...sy penyimpan mohor2 bsr dgn bangga plus tension skit mengumumkn bermula hari nih da tak ley ske2 ati lepak dlm opis main fb or bnde2 sewaktu ngn nye...uhuhu...
siot tul la...apsal diorg pasang cctv lak nih dlm opis...dlm stor pun pasang gak...ish2...abis la port nk isap rokok...pas nih sah2 klau nk isap rokok kne jln kuar airside n g sampai dpn terminal...kejam tul la management nih...
skunk ni de 2 cctv menghala ke arah aku...adey...da pnt aku keras kt cni...rse cm pergerakkan terbatas je...huhu....
pepun aku kne cari blind spot dia...ehehe...tp klau terdesak sgt aku tau mne nk padam cctv nih...ehehe....
erm...15 n 16 nih de course kt kL lak...adey...time bulan posa la plak nak wat bnde alah nih...tak cian kt aku ke...uhuhu...pnt la...nasib baik kne time kje...kalau wat cm arituh kne time cuti,tak pasal2 aku tak dpt rehat...uhuhu...
myb next week da bley masuk umah baru...so kne la siap2 brg skit...ish2...dlm tahun ni je mau da 7,8 kali aku duk pindah2...ish2...pnt tul la duk angkut2 brg g sne cni...
x1...sabo2...so tempting...
siot tul la...apsal diorg pasang cctv lak nih dlm opis...dlm stor pun pasang gak...ish2...abis la port nk isap rokok...pas nih sah2 klau nk isap rokok kne jln kuar airside n g sampai dpn terminal...kejam tul la management nih...
skunk ni de 2 cctv menghala ke arah aku...adey...da pnt aku keras kt cni...rse cm pergerakkan terbatas je...huhu....
pepun aku kne cari blind spot dia...ehehe...tp klau terdesak sgt aku tau mne nk padam cctv nih...ehehe....
erm...15 n 16 nih de course kt kL lak...adey...time bulan posa la plak nak wat bnde alah nih...tak cian kt aku ke...uhuhu...pnt la...nasib baik kne time kje...kalau wat cm arituh kne time cuti,tak pasal2 aku tak dpt rehat...uhuhu...
myb next week da bley masuk umah baru...so kne la siap2 brg skit...ish2...dlm tahun ni je mau da 7,8 kali aku duk pindah2...ish2...pnt tul la duk angkut2 brg g sne cni...
x1...sabo2...so tempting...
Saturday, September 5, 2009
kje sambil puasa...
da masuk 15 Ramadhan pun....tp kt area airport nih still ramai lg yg tak posa....tp tak ley salah kn diorg,pnt gak la mata aku tgk diorg wat kje....ngn hujan panas di redah....
aku pun kne la lebey tabah ngn dugaan nih....org tersyg pun jauh lak...(actually dkt time nih)
cuti 4 ari lepas aku harungi ngn demam tahap dewa 19....jem satu bdn...abis je cuti demam da kurang skit...tp skunk nih da masuk 4 minggu lebey aku selsema...tension nye,makan tak rasa pe2...nasib mengenangkan borborigmy je(cm salah eja je) kt perut aku tuh...makan je pe pun asal dia senyap....
da masuk 15 Ramadhan pun....tp kt area airport nih still ramai lg yg tak posa....tp tak ley salah kn diorg,pnt gak la mata aku tgk diorg wat kje....ngn hujan panas di redah....
aku pun kne la lebey tabah ngn dugaan nih....org tersyg pun jauh lak...(actually dkt time nih)
cuti 4 ari lepas aku harungi ngn demam tahap dewa 19....jem satu bdn...abis je cuti demam da kurang skit...tp skunk nih da masuk 4 minggu lebey aku selsema...tension nye,makan tak rasa pe2...nasib mengenangkan borborigmy je(cm salah eja je) kt perut aku tuh...makan je pe pun asal dia senyap....
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Today, (Friday) the 7th of August 2009, you lived through two unique moments of the Gregorian calendar.
Today afternoon at 12:34:56pm and at 12:34:56am the figures come up as 123456.
The figures 789 are for the date 7th, the month of August 8 and the year 2009.
Run in sequence it becomes 123456789.
You can live through it again if you live for a 100 years from now when it will be 2109, with the same time and date.
taken from (http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2009/8/7/business/20090807142129&sec=business)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
transfer to penang
dari LCCT ke Penang...baru sebulan kt LCCT da kna transfer...tak tau nk ckp pe, happy n sdey sume de...baru nk duk dkt ngn org tersyg da kne jauh balik....sapa tak sdey...da berkilo-kilo da sdey...sampai kn da "heart exhausted" pun skunk...tp nk wat cmne....biar letey skunk, nnt nnt nnt nnt ley dkt balik...tambah plak dkt ngn kg lak kn...actually jauh ngn kg pun ok tp de org tak suka jauh-jauh dari kulim...ehehe....oooppsss....(wan tak ckp pe2pun)
so kt penang nyer airport mmg sgt berlainan la ngn LCCT....office tuk engineering pun tak dak...waaaaa....kna la merempat...tp mkn senang la...penang lak kn...ehehe...kt penang tak byk aircraft la cm LCCT, tp yg staff pun tak byk...so kje jd cm super byk la nnt...
buat masa nih aku tak kje lg la...just standby je in case ada pa2 yg memerlukan khidmat aku yg malas nih...myb 31hb nih aku bakal sibuk skit la...myb...ehehe....tp tah la....diorg ckp kne kje mlm je...waaaaa....cm best tp cm tak best gak...ish pening lak ayat nih.....best tue de la gak coz kje mlm tak panas...tp yg tak best nye bile kne kje tp tak de tmpt nk rht cm LCCT....mana nk lepak time mlm2..susah la....adey....kang de entiti lak join aku lepak....uhuhu...mintak jauh la...
org2 kt cni mmg sgt2 best la...ramah sgt2...ptt aku yg kne super ramah coz org baru tp diorg lak yg super duper ramah...ehehe...tp mmg tak dinafi kan la....mna2 pun musti de 2,3 org yg tak best...tp klau lebey dari 2,3 tue so secara tak langsung even de siaran langsung tmpt tue akan sendiri nye tanpa disuruh tuk jd tak best...so kt cni de la org2 yg tak best...tp aku tak jmpe lg la...just dgr dari mulut2 staff2 yg best...mcm bestpoint...bukan cosmopoint...
aku duk kt hotel vistana, abg Tony kasi lepak cni smpai sebulan sementara nk cari umah....apasal tak kasi je satu aircraft airbus dia sebijik kt aku...kn best....ehehe....sori Tony....u r the best..thank...
vistana nih dkt la dgn bukit jambul...dulu bukit jambul nih de ice-skating...tp skunk da tgl iceage je...ehehe....tah la...tp pepun cm best gak la coz de bowling...ehehe...tp duit lak tgh kering...gaji lambat lg...uhuhu...tak ley la nk tunjuk terer...terer masuk longkang...shalin pun tak ley lwn tau...huh!!!...
so setakat nih je cter aku...nnt kalau de pe2 nnt aku cter lg....
"now everyone can fly" from penang report...
so kt penang nyer airport mmg sgt berlainan la ngn LCCT....office tuk engineering pun tak dak...waaaaa....kna la merempat...tp mkn senang la...penang lak kn...ehehe...kt penang tak byk aircraft la cm LCCT, tp yg staff pun tak byk...so kje jd cm super byk la nnt...
buat masa nih aku tak kje lg la...just standby je in case ada pa2 yg memerlukan khidmat aku yg malas nih...myb 31hb nih aku bakal sibuk skit la...myb...ehehe....tp tah la....diorg ckp kne kje mlm je...waaaaa....cm best tp cm tak best gak...ish pening lak ayat nih.....best tue de la gak coz kje mlm tak panas...tp yg tak best nye bile kne kje tp tak de tmpt nk rht cm LCCT....mana nk lepak time mlm2..susah la....adey....kang de entiti lak join aku lepak....uhuhu...mintak jauh la...
org2 kt cni mmg sgt2 best la...ramah sgt2...ptt aku yg kne super ramah coz org baru tp diorg lak yg super duper ramah...ehehe...tp mmg tak dinafi kan la....mna2 pun musti de 2,3 org yg tak best...tp klau lebey dari 2,3 tue so secara tak langsung even de siaran langsung tmpt tue akan sendiri nye tanpa disuruh tuk jd tak best...so kt cni de la org2 yg tak best...tp aku tak jmpe lg la...just dgr dari mulut2 staff2 yg best...mcm bestpoint...bukan cosmopoint...
aku duk kt hotel vistana, abg Tony kasi lepak cni smpai sebulan sementara nk cari umah....apasal tak kasi je satu aircraft airbus dia sebijik kt aku...kn best....ehehe....sori Tony....u r the best..thank...
vistana nih dkt la dgn bukit jambul...dulu bukit jambul nih de ice-skating...tp skunk da tgl iceage je...ehehe....tah la...tp pepun cm best gak la coz de bowling...ehehe...tp duit lak tgh kering...gaji lambat lg...uhuhu...tak ley la nk tunjuk terer...terer masuk longkang...shalin pun tak ley lwn tau...huh!!!...
so setakat nih je cter aku...nnt kalau de pe2 nnt aku cter lg....
"now everyone can fly" from penang report...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
someone post something in the shout section that not sound nice...so i need to lock my blog to a certain reader only...
Friday, May 1, 2009
munchkin...happy belated birthday...
Cayunk, I m so sorry coz couldn't be by your side on yours birthday... really wish that i could but i cant... only God know how down i was...
Cayunk, Happy belated birthday... Hope its wasn't late for me to wish... Forgive me, Cayunk...
Hope this will cheer you up...
"Doubts that the starts are fire, doubt that the sky is blue, doubt to be a liar, but never doubt I LOVE YOU..."
"i wanna be the one who dries your tears. i wanna be the one who calms your fears. i wanna be the one who helps carry your loads. i wanna be the one who knows yours secret code. i wanna be the one who holds you tight. i wanna be the one who kisses you goodnight. I WANNA BE THE ONE YOU LOVE..."
"To live this life i need a heartbeat, to have a heartbeat i need a heart, to have a heart i need happiness, to have happiness i need love, to have love i need You..."
i love you Cayunk...
Cayunk, Happy belated birthday... Hope its wasn't late for me to wish... Forgive me, Cayunk...
Hope this will cheer you up...
"Doubts that the starts are fire, doubt that the sky is blue, doubt to be a liar, but never doubt I LOVE YOU..."
"i wanna be the one who dries your tears. i wanna be the one who calms your fears. i wanna be the one who helps carry your loads. i wanna be the one who knows yours secret code. i wanna be the one who holds you tight. i wanna be the one who kisses you goodnight. I WANNA BE THE ONE YOU LOVE..."
"To live this life i need a heartbeat, to have a heartbeat i need a heart, to have a heart i need happiness, to have happiness i need love, to have love i need You..."
i love you Cayunk...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
anak buah ku...
takde pepun nk tulis...
ni pic anak buah ku...kire adik pd si Damia la...
abis la,bertambah riuh la umah ni...b4 dis nset aku slalu ilang coz kne sorok ngn damia...pasni tak tau la pe lak nk ilang...Hope Damia tak team up ngn adik dia ilang kn coolermaster aku da la...uhuhu...
anyways,nme adik Damia ni Danish Aiman...
ni pic dia tgh tido...coz tue je hobby dia setakat nih...akak dia tak ajo teknik2 menghilang kn bnde lg...

22 april ni genap la 2 month umo dia...
love u Aiman...
alaaaa....yer la...pakcik sayang Damia gak...meh cni meh...muawh...
takde pepun nk tulis...
ni pic anak buah ku...kire adik pd si Damia la...
abis la,bertambah riuh la umah ni...b4 dis nset aku slalu ilang coz kne sorok ngn damia...pasni tak tau la pe lak nk ilang...Hope Damia tak team up ngn adik dia ilang kn coolermaster aku da la...uhuhu...
anyways,nme adik Damia ni Danish Aiman...
ni pic dia tgh tido...coz tue je hobby dia setakat nih...akak dia tak ajo teknik2 menghilang kn bnde lg...
22 april ni genap la 2 month umo dia...
love u Aiman...
alaaaa....yer la...pakcik sayang Damia gak...meh cni meh...muawh...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
After midnight by Yuna
After midnight i shall kidnap you from the world
and i’ll keep you in my room
hush now my love and hold my hand
after midnight i shall take you to a place
where no one else should know of
hush now my love and hold my hand
you are exactly where you’re supposed to be
if anyone asks for you
they would have to find me
keep me awake
keep me amazed
only for today
keep me dazed
my love is yours only
after midnight
i shall stay awake
and if you chose to close your eyes now
hush now my love
i’ll watch you sleep
you are exactly where you’re supposed to be
and if they come for you
they would have to fight me
keep me awake
keep me amazed
only for today
keep me dazed
my love is yours only
keep me awake
keep me amazed
only for today
keep me dazed
my love is yours only
copied from http://www.lirik.tv/showlyric/1/49110/Malay/Yuna-After-Midnight
thank to lirik.tv for the lyrics...^^
and i’ll keep you in my room
hush now my love and hold my hand
after midnight i shall take you to a place
where no one else should know of
hush now my love and hold my hand
you are exactly where you’re supposed to be
if anyone asks for you
they would have to find me
keep me awake
keep me amazed
only for today
keep me dazed
my love is yours only
after midnight
i shall stay awake
and if you chose to close your eyes now
hush now my love
i’ll watch you sleep
you are exactly where you’re supposed to be
and if they come for you
they would have to fight me
keep me awake
keep me amazed
only for today
keep me dazed
my love is yours only
keep me awake
keep me amazed
only for today
keep me dazed
my love is yours only
copied from http://www.lirik.tv/showlyric/1/49110/Malay/Yuna-After-Midnight
thank to lirik.tv for the lyrics...^^
Monday, April 6, 2009
My Wish - Rascal Flatts
I hope that the days come easy and the moments pass slow,
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,
But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.
But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
This is my wish
I hope you know somebody loves you
May all your dreams stay big
copied from http://www.elyrics.net/read/r/rascal-flatts-lyrics/my-wish-lyrics.html
thank to elyrics.net
And each road leads you where you want to go,
And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,
I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.
And if one door opens to another door closed,
I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,
If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,
But more than anything, more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
I hope you never look back, but ya never forget,
All the ones who love you, in the place you left,
I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,
And you help somebody every chance you get,
Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,
And you always give more than you take.
But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,
Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,
You never need to carry more than you can hold,
And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,
I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,
Yeah, this, is my wish.
This is my wish
I hope you know somebody loves you
May all your dreams stay big
copied from http://www.elyrics.net/read/r/rascal-flatts-lyrics/my-wish-lyrics.html
thank to elyrics.net
Saturday, March 28, 2009
lme nye tak update...ahaha...sori la coz cm bz skit lately...
bz plus ngn malas so phm2 la eyh...
kite mula kn ngn cte pd 20 march yg lepas,aku trun kL...lepak umah mmbe,lebey kurang cm menumpang la...ahaha...Thank to Fazly n Hazwan,ahaha...nme sejiBik lak kn...uiks...aku tumpang umah diorg sampai la 24hb...aku g sne bukan mkn angin eyh,time2 poket kering nih mne la de duet nk rse sume tuh...nnt nnt nnt la eyh...
so hajat patik ke sne,uiks...ahaha...da rojak lak....aku g sne coz de interview ngn mara...interview tue on 23rd tp aku bedal g awal coz tak nak kelam klau g lmbt...yer la,aku da kne penyakit berjangkit...penyakit kelam...ahaha...cpt mengelabah...
well,sementara lepak menunggu ari interview tue aku de la wat preparation cm kluar dating n tdo kasi lebey...ehehe...
kire 21hb la aku kuar "date"...uiks...

so pd kaki jln2 tue sure korg tau ni kt mne kn...
abis la satu building tue kitorg tawaf...uiks..."kitorg"...spe lg??
ehehe...nk tau ke...errrmmmm....ehehe...
nnt nnt lak eyh cte spe org tue...yer tak munchkin?? ^^
esk nye tue which mean 22hb aku just lepak umah je...ptg nye tmn mmbe aku fazly tue g CC...tlong dia psl job street...
23hb pun tiba...waaaaa...cpt nye...Luuuppp...Duuupppp...ehehe...
aku bgn mcm seperti biasa pg tue(tak biasa pun)...kul 6.30 aku terpacak dpn toilet sambil pk cmne nk menempuh air yg sgt2 sejuk pg tue...uhuhu...
pas mnd aku trus pakai bju coz bdn cm lidi nih tak mmpu nk tahan sejuk lg...klau ikut kn ati nk je aku join tdo ngn bdk2 lain...uhuhu...
pas sume da ready ttbe lak....uissshhhh....penyakit kelam aku dtg lak...neck tie aku lak ilang...adey,cmne nih...time2 gni lak dia nk main nyorok2...uhuhu...smlm aku da ready kn kt bju nie...mne lak ilang nih...takkan budak2 ni g ikat kt kucing dpn umah tue kot..kot yer pun tggu la pas aku abis interview...uhuhu...
so aku pun trace balik step aku td...mule dari kuar toilet then masuk bilik ambik hangar...then kuar ke blaconi coz td aku jemur aku nye towel...dgn harapan tie tue de kt ctue...
tp....WAAAA!!!!!takde pun...
uhuhu....aku masuk balik dlm lalu kt hall umah tue ttbe aku terbrenti dpn cermin yg nak sme tggi ngn aku yg tak berapa tggi nih...geram je aku tgk cermin tuh...
cm nk ggt je frame cermin tue...uhuhu...
tp npe aku geram lak nih...ish2...
coz pas tgk cermin tue baru aku prasan yg tie tue terselik kt poket blakang aku...waaaaaaaa.............
npe la pepg lg aku kne cmni...
penat je jantung aku beraksi pantas...tue la akibat nye kalau bontot tak de isi...cm tak rse je pe de dlm poket blakang...uhuhu...
myb mak aku dlu2 kurang cubit bontot aku kot...ehehe...
pas sume nye da btul2 ready,aku pun kejut kn Fazly coz nk mntak dia tlong anta kn kt bgnan mara...klau nk g sndri ley je,tp myb next month tue baru aku jmpe kot bgnan mara rse nye...
cian Fazly...ehehe...
sori yer Fazly,thank tau...nnt klau dpt sponsor mara aku blanje ko eyh...
so kami pun berangkat la dari wangsa maju ke bgnan mara tuh...
lebey kurang 2 min je atas moto ttbe lak scoot dia wat hal...tayar tak de angin lak...bukan buang angin tp cm pancit la...uhuhu...so terpaksa la kitorg jln cm siput sampai la stesen minyak tuk isi balik angin...uhuhu...blum interview lg aku da berpeluh cm kne lari 400M berganti2,uiksss...ehehe...
sampai je kt sne mmbe2 aku da penuh kt situe...cm wat mogok pun de gak la...cume mogok yg nmpk educated la coz sume pakai sopan2 plus ngn tie n de yg cm dato la palk siap bedal pakai blazer skali...ahaha...
sume muke senyum tak ikhlas coz cm cuak nk kne interview...ehehe...
aku pun join je tadah muke senyum tp ikhlas skit la dari diorg...
diorg ckp ari tue ari 1st tuk interview...kire de slot lain la...sampai rabu nye...
mmg ramai yg dtg...sume muke2 senyum tak ikhlas...aku pandang je trus diorg senyum...ish2...pelik lak aku...ehehe...
tp tak pe la,aku just balas ngn senyum yg tak cumel nih...
bley kte hampir sume floor kt bgnan mara tue de interview,so byg kn la bpe ramai org ari tuh...
aku kne floor 19 bsme 2 org bdk lg...1 tue aku knl la,sorg lg tah spe la...
antara sume tue aku kire candidate last la...
pas org bdk tue settle diorg trus trun bwh so tgl la aku sowg2 tgu turn...
mak datuk,cm nk gugur je jantung aku time tgu tue...da la sejuk aircond lg..plus ngn rse cuak...ish2...
so interview aku berjln lancar...sume nye ok je...
so Insyallah rezeki tue de de la...
korg doa kn la yer...
thank tau...^^
settle je interview aku trus g LCCT,bukan nk fly balik tp just nk ambik offer letter tuk kje ngn Airasia...
tah la...
berat je ati aku nk pk,nk kje ke nk smbung blajo..tp kalau mara sponsor aku sambung je....
k lah...
nnt aku cter lg key....
lme nye tak update...ahaha...sori la coz cm bz skit lately...
bz plus ngn malas so phm2 la eyh...
kite mula kn ngn cte pd 20 march yg lepas,aku trun kL...lepak umah mmbe,lebey kurang cm menumpang la...ahaha...Thank to Fazly n Hazwan,ahaha...nme sejiBik lak kn...uiks...aku tumpang umah diorg sampai la 24hb...aku g sne bukan mkn angin eyh,time2 poket kering nih mne la de duet nk rse sume tuh...nnt nnt nnt la eyh...
so hajat patik ke sne,uiks...ahaha...da rojak lak....aku g sne coz de interview ngn mara...interview tue on 23rd tp aku bedal g awal coz tak nak kelam klau g lmbt...yer la,aku da kne penyakit berjangkit...penyakit kelam...ahaha...cpt mengelabah...
well,sementara lepak menunggu ari interview tue aku de la wat preparation cm kluar dating n tdo kasi lebey...ehehe...
kire 21hb la aku kuar "date"...uiks...
so pd kaki jln2 tue sure korg tau ni kt mne kn...
abis la satu building tue kitorg tawaf...uiks..."kitorg"...spe lg??
ehehe...nk tau ke...errrmmmm....ehehe...
nnt nnt lak eyh cte spe org tue...yer tak munchkin?? ^^
esk nye tue which mean 22hb aku just lepak umah je...ptg nye tmn mmbe aku fazly tue g CC...tlong dia psl job street...
23hb pun tiba...waaaaa...cpt nye...Luuuppp...Duuupppp...ehehe...
aku bgn mcm seperti biasa pg tue(tak biasa pun)...kul 6.30 aku terpacak dpn toilet sambil pk cmne nk menempuh air yg sgt2 sejuk pg tue...uhuhu...
pas mnd aku trus pakai bju coz bdn cm lidi nih tak mmpu nk tahan sejuk lg...klau ikut kn ati nk je aku join tdo ngn bdk2 lain...uhuhu...
pas sume da ready ttbe lak....uissshhhh....penyakit kelam aku dtg lak...neck tie aku lak ilang...adey,cmne nih...time2 gni lak dia nk main nyorok2...uhuhu...smlm aku da ready kn kt bju nie...mne lak ilang nih...takkan budak2 ni g ikat kt kucing dpn umah tue kot..kot yer pun tggu la pas aku abis interview...uhuhu...
so aku pun trace balik step aku td...mule dari kuar toilet then masuk bilik ambik hangar...then kuar ke blaconi coz td aku jemur aku nye towel...dgn harapan tie tue de kt ctue...
tp....WAAAA!!!!!takde pun...
uhuhu....aku masuk balik dlm lalu kt hall umah tue ttbe aku terbrenti dpn cermin yg nak sme tggi ngn aku yg tak berapa tggi nih...geram je aku tgk cermin tuh...
cm nk ggt je frame cermin tue...uhuhu...
tp npe aku geram lak nih...ish2...
coz pas tgk cermin tue baru aku prasan yg tie tue terselik kt poket blakang aku...waaaaaaaa.............
npe la pepg lg aku kne cmni...
penat je jantung aku beraksi pantas...tue la akibat nye kalau bontot tak de isi...cm tak rse je pe de dlm poket blakang...uhuhu...
myb mak aku dlu2 kurang cubit bontot aku kot...ehehe...
pas sume nye da btul2 ready,aku pun kejut kn Fazly coz nk mntak dia tlong anta kn kt bgnan mara...klau nk g sndri ley je,tp myb next month tue baru aku jmpe kot bgnan mara rse nye...
cian Fazly...ehehe...
sori yer Fazly,thank tau...nnt klau dpt sponsor mara aku blanje ko eyh...
so kami pun berangkat la dari wangsa maju ke bgnan mara tuh...
lebey kurang 2 min je atas moto ttbe lak scoot dia wat hal...tayar tak de angin lak...bukan buang angin tp cm pancit la...uhuhu...so terpaksa la kitorg jln cm siput sampai la stesen minyak tuk isi balik angin...uhuhu...blum interview lg aku da berpeluh cm kne lari 400M berganti2,uiksss...ehehe...
sampai je kt sne mmbe2 aku da penuh kt situe...cm wat mogok pun de gak la...cume mogok yg nmpk educated la coz sume pakai sopan2 plus ngn tie n de yg cm dato la palk siap bedal pakai blazer skali...ahaha...
sume muke senyum tak ikhlas coz cm cuak nk kne interview...ehehe...
aku pun join je tadah muke senyum tp ikhlas skit la dari diorg...
diorg ckp ari tue ari 1st tuk interview...kire de slot lain la...sampai rabu nye...
mmg ramai yg dtg...sume muke2 senyum tak ikhlas...aku pandang je trus diorg senyum...ish2...pelik lak aku...ehehe...
tp tak pe la,aku just balas ngn senyum yg tak cumel nih...
bley kte hampir sume floor kt bgnan mara tue de interview,so byg kn la bpe ramai org ari tuh...
aku kne floor 19 bsme 2 org bdk lg...1 tue aku knl la,sorg lg tah spe la...
antara sume tue aku kire candidate last la...
pas org bdk tue settle diorg trus trun bwh so tgl la aku sowg2 tgu turn...
mak datuk,cm nk gugur je jantung aku time tgu tue...da la sejuk aircond lg..plus ngn rse cuak...ish2...
so interview aku berjln lancar...sume nye ok je...
so Insyallah rezeki tue de de la...
korg doa kn la yer...
thank tau...^^
settle je interview aku trus g LCCT,bukan nk fly balik tp just nk ambik offer letter tuk kje ngn Airasia...
tah la...
berat je ati aku nk pk,nk kje ke nk smbung blajo..tp kalau mara sponsor aku sambung je....
k lah...
nnt aku cter lg key....
Sunday, March 15, 2009
P untuk pantas...
so ari ni nye brita bertajuk "P untuk pantas"...adey...pe la aku melalut nih...
ahaha...cerita nye begini...kt cni ptg td ujan...sgt la lebat,so mmg la mlm ni jd sejuk sgt...so aku pun siap kn la katil kasi kemas skit then baru selera nk tido...
n mukadimah ni tak de kaitan pun ngn tajuk di atas...
sori2...jgn marah...
berbalik kite pd tajuk di atas...kali ni btu2 keyh..aku tak tipu da...tak baik tipu...nnt jd habit lak...oooppsss...
ermmm..."P"....well,aku da dpt lesen P untuk moto...so pas ni spe2 nk tumpang jgn la segan2 eyh...cll la aku keyh...charge rm2/km...tak mhl kn...
ehehe...takde la...klau da sme haluan ley la aku tumpang kn...ehehe...
tp kne book awal2 la tau...waaaa...cm airlines lak...ehehe...
so,esk aku aku de driving nye clss lak...waaaa....sure sakit kaki lg...yerla,clutch keta tuh sgt2 la keras/ketat/kontot/tak best/n sume2 nye la...ehehe...sori pakcik drivin' skool...
tp esk sejam je...lusa 2 jam...yg esk tue aku cover tuk yg ari aku kne g interview tuh...adey...
tp cm byk lg je kne cover...just tgu je ari diorg nk kasi...penat2...
pe2 pun...
AJA!!! AJA!!!...
so ari ni nye brita bertajuk "P untuk pantas"...adey...pe la aku melalut nih...
ahaha...cerita nye begini...kt cni ptg td ujan...sgt la lebat,so mmg la mlm ni jd sejuk sgt...so aku pun siap kn la katil kasi kemas skit then baru selera nk tido...
n mukadimah ni tak de kaitan pun ngn tajuk di atas...
sori2...jgn marah...
berbalik kite pd tajuk di atas...kali ni btu2 keyh..aku tak tipu da...tak baik tipu...nnt jd habit lak...oooppsss...
ermmm..."P"....well,aku da dpt lesen P untuk moto...so pas ni spe2 nk tumpang jgn la segan2 eyh...cll la aku keyh...charge rm2/km...tak mhl kn...
ehehe...takde la...klau da sme haluan ley la aku tumpang kn...ehehe...
tp kne book awal2 la tau...waaaa...cm airlines lak...ehehe...
so,esk aku aku de driving nye clss lak...waaaa....sure sakit kaki lg...yerla,clutch keta tuh sgt2 la keras/ketat/kontot/tak best/n sume2 nye la...ehehe...sori pakcik drivin' skool...
tp esk sejam je...lusa 2 jam...yg esk tue aku cover tuk yg ari aku kne g interview tuh...adey...
tp cm byk lg je kne cover...just tgu je ari diorg nk kasi...penat2...
pe2 pun...
AJA!!! AJA!!!...
gud news pal!!!
cm biasa la kn...nk kne mntak maap la coz lmbt update...
actually cm tak de pe2 sgt nk cte...sme je ari2 yg lepas...ahaha...
so what the different today...ermmmm....pe eyh...???
tak de pe2 kot...jut ari ni aku de JPJ test tuk moto...
lusa de blajo keta...
pe lg eyh...
ermmmm...Did i miss something else...???
ahaha....well...musti la de kn...aku bru je trime surat interview mara...interview pe eyh...kje cleaner tuk bangunan mara ke?de utang ngn mara ke??ehehe...
tak de la...b4 dis aku de apply SPC (skim pelajar cemerlang)...
yer la,mne la aku de duit nk sambung blajo tambah2 tmpt aku apply tue lak kt oversea...glamorgan,jauh tuh..uhuhu...
so aku apply la,n its turn out diorg nk interview aku...
Insyallah la dpt...klau dpt kire aku da selangkah nk jd LAE (license aircraft engineer)...nk sgt jd...
doa kn aku berjaya eyh..
thank yer kwn2...
nnt pe2 aku cter lg keyh...
ps:scoot wat hal,tak ley start lg...uhuhu...(T.T)
cm biasa la kn...nk kne mntak maap la coz lmbt update...
actually cm tak de pe2 sgt nk cte...sme je ari2 yg lepas...ahaha...
so what the different today...ermmmm....pe eyh...???
tak de pe2 kot...jut ari ni aku de JPJ test tuk moto...
lusa de blajo keta...
pe lg eyh...
ermmmm...Did i miss something else...???
ahaha....well...musti la de kn...aku bru je trime surat interview mara...interview pe eyh...kje cleaner tuk bangunan mara ke?de utang ngn mara ke??ehehe...
tak de la...b4 dis aku de apply SPC (skim pelajar cemerlang)...
yer la,mne la aku de duit nk sambung blajo tambah2 tmpt aku apply tue lak kt oversea...glamorgan,jauh tuh..uhuhu...
so aku apply la,n its turn out diorg nk interview aku...
Insyallah la dpt...klau dpt kire aku da selangkah nk jd LAE (license aircraft engineer)...nk sgt jd...
doa kn aku berjaya eyh..
thank yer kwn2...
nnt pe2 aku cter lg keyh...
ps:scoot wat hal,tak ley start lg...uhuhu...(T.T)
Monday, March 9, 2009
hi sume...
seperti yg di janji kn...hah!!!janji pe lak nih...
de ke??
ahaha... yer la,nk tunai kn janji la nih...
so nie la update tuk ari nih...
so let the picture do the talking...
ni pic aku ambik mse ondaway nk g penang...de xcident lak,dkt je ngn area umah aku...tue la akibat nye kalau tak nak ikut traffic light...tah la pe yg jd kt mamat tuh...

ni view kt ats penang bridge...sorry la coz camera phone nye quality cm hampeh skit...actually view mmg cantik time2 gni...
ni QueensBay...ahaha..btul tak aku eja nih...lantok la...bukan kne saman pun...
rse nye antara shopping complex yg terbesar kot bg area utara nih...kalau slah lg jgn marah eyh...
ehehe...aku sendiri pun tak penah dtg lg...pdhal slalu je lalu dpn nih...ahaha...

ni pic cake besday tuh...
da tgl mata mickey je...
tue la,spe suruh lmbt sgt sampai...diorg da pnt tggu pun...
ahaha...tp takpe la...janji cake still de tuk perut aku nih...
2nd pic tue adik aku yg telah berjaya dgn jaya nye wat ABC sendiri...ahaha...
aku pun de wat gak,main bedal je taruk bende2 alah kt dlm ABC tuh...nasib baik tak jd bnde lain...
ni la besday boy...da pnt berlari sne sni...
tak tau la da bpe kali dia tawaf umah nenek dia nih...last2 tergolek kt situe coz da pnt kot...ahaha...
so tue je la yg dpt aku cter tuk ari nih...sorry lmbt skit...yer la,perut da kenyang so mmg makin malas la aku nak menaip...ehehe...
anyways thank for reading all dis thing...
thank yall...
de ke??
ahaha... yer la,nk tunai kn janji la nih...
so nie la update tuk ari nih...
so let the picture do the talking...
rse nye antara shopping complex yg terbesar kot bg area utara nih...kalau slah lg jgn marah eyh...
ehehe...aku sendiri pun tak penah dtg lg...pdhal slalu je lalu dpn nih...ahaha...
da tgl mata mickey je...
tue la,spe suruh lmbt sgt sampai...diorg da pnt tggu pun...
ahaha...tp takpe la...janji cake still de tuk perut aku nih...
2nd pic tue adik aku yg telah berjaya dgn jaya nye wat ABC sendiri...ahaha...
aku pun de wat gak,main bedal je taruk bende2 alah kt dlm ABC tuh...nasib baik tak jd bnde lain...
tak tau la da bpe kali dia tawaf umah nenek dia nih...last2 tergolek kt situe coz da pnt kot...ahaha...
so tue je la yg dpt aku cter tuk ari nih...sorry lmbt skit...yer la,perut da kenyang so mmg makin malas la aku nak menaip...ehehe...
anyways thank for reading all dis thing...
thank yall...
Sunday, March 8, 2009
tgu eyh...
mlm nih aku update keyh...
ptg ni nk g penang...nk sambut besday anak cousin aku da...ehehe...bukan anak aku tau...yer tak munchkin...uiks...
so pepun mlm ni la aku cte sume eyh...
nk cte skunk pun cm tak de idea lak nk tulis pe...
so aku letak je la pic tuk santapan(bley mkn ke??) korg...
ni pic aku ambik dari forum "most beautiful"
enjoy it...=P

tgk je tau,coz yg pasti sume nih da de bf...ahaha...!!!
ptg ni nk g penang...nk sambut besday anak cousin aku da...ehehe...bukan anak aku tau...yer tak munchkin...uiks...
so pepun mlm ni la aku cte sume eyh...
nk cte skunk pun cm tak de idea lak nk tulis pe...
so aku letak je la pic tuk santapan(bley mkn ke??) korg...
ni pic aku ambik dari forum "most beautiful"
enjoy it...=P

tgk je tau,coz yg pasti sume nih da de bf...ahaha...!!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
reCap fRom m3moRy
cmne ari nih...hope korg sume ok2 je...aku kt cni cm biasa la,ok je...tak de pe2 yg brubah,sme je cm ari2 lepas...
pg ni bgn cm biasa je dari tdo...(tgh ari kot,ehehe)...then on pc tuk on9,check mails,tgk friendster...tgk metacafe...gelak puas2 b4 g mnd...
tp b4 nk g mnd je ttbe je....jeng2...pe eyh yg blaku...tdo balik ke?ehehe...
tak la...Airasia cll aku da...ehehe...b4 dis aku de g interview kt LCCT...so ari ni diorg cll...
ok la,aku cter skit psl g interview tuh...kalau tak salah la kn,aku g interview 19hb Feb yg lepas...tuk post technician je..tue je yg layak tuk seseorg yg berkelulusan cm aku nih...mcm interview yg penah korg attend la(bg yg penah la eyh)...kne pakai formal,smart gak la aku ari tuh...actually aku bertolak dari kulim sehari awal coz kulim kn jauh...glr kot kalau nk shot dari kulim trus g interview...mau coma trus nnt mse interview...
so aku bermalam la kt umah mmbe aku kt sepang which is quite near to miat...not to far from KLIA n LCCT la...tp cm jauh gak la kot..
esk pepagi tue aku siap2 la...interview kul5 (pelik nye)...npe la diorg nak wat interview time2 gni...pnt nye...
tp tak pe la,aku redah je...kje nye pasal...
so sampai je kt sne pe lg yg korg wat agak2....
bg yg single ley la korg cuci mata kn kn kn...ehehe...
yer la,kn byk stewardess kt sne yg MELETUP2...
rezeki la kte kn...ehehe...
akuley tgk je...
tp tak ley lme2 nnt de org marah lak...ehehe...phm2 je la(spe2 yg tau tue diam eyh!!)
so smpai je office diorg,mak ai...lg la byk...pe yg byk??uiisshh...tak kan nk cter lg kot..
phm2 sendri la eyh...
so pd yg ske cuci mata tuh pe kte korg apply je kje kt office Airasia nih...so ley la korg tmbh dosa skit...(skit ke??)
kt sne diorg mmg ramah la...spe diorg tuh....phm2 la eyh...ehehe...aku di bawa masuk room pe tah...uiks...ROOM!!!ehehe...takde la....room tuk menunggu la..
tp lebey kurang cm tmpt tuk staff browse internet je...so byk la "org2" tue yg lepak situe...sampai naik segan aku ngn diorg...ehehe.....
kt room tue aku kne isi borg pe tah b4 nak masuk interview...
kul5 lebey baru la diorg cll aku n mmbe aku masuk tuk interview...
so aku pun di tembak ngn beberapa soalan yg kalau tak stdy mmg pening gak la aku nk menjwb...yer la,macha yg interview aku tue tak abis2 nak fire aku je....aku jwb tak abis lg dia da fire...cm AK-47 yg taliban pakai tue la...nasib dia tak gne bom je...kalau tak bersepah gak la aku kt sne nnt...
tp pepun syukur la aku ley jwb sume...
siap kne lukis gambar lg pe yg aku terang kn...ahaha...
actually takder la susah sgt pun,tp makin lme makin dlm n specific soalan dia psl bnde yg aku aku terang kn...aku kne terang kn pasal airfoil...
abis aku kait kn pasal kapal MD-11...ehehe...
so ari nie diorg cll tuk offer kje...
aku pun accept...myb next 2 week sampai la surat tue...

nie pic mse g genting...
tak de kaitan pun ngn topic ats...ehehe...
cmne ari nih...hope korg sume ok2 je...aku kt cni cm biasa la,ok je...tak de pe2 yg brubah,sme je cm ari2 lepas...
pg ni bgn cm biasa je dari tdo...(tgh ari kot,ehehe)...then on pc tuk on9,check mails,tgk friendster...tgk metacafe...gelak puas2 b4 g mnd...
tp b4 nk g mnd je ttbe je....jeng2...pe eyh yg blaku...tdo balik ke?ehehe...
tak la...Airasia cll aku da...ehehe...b4 dis aku de g interview kt LCCT...so ari ni diorg cll...
ok la,aku cter skit psl g interview tuh...kalau tak salah la kn,aku g interview 19hb Feb yg lepas...tuk post technician je..tue je yg layak tuk seseorg yg berkelulusan cm aku nih...mcm interview yg penah korg attend la(bg yg penah la eyh)...kne pakai formal,smart gak la aku ari tuh...actually aku bertolak dari kulim sehari awal coz kulim kn jauh...glr kot kalau nk shot dari kulim trus g interview...mau coma trus nnt mse interview...
so aku bermalam la kt umah mmbe aku kt sepang which is quite near to miat...not to far from KLIA n LCCT la...tp cm jauh gak la kot..
esk pepagi tue aku siap2 la...interview kul5 (pelik nye)...npe la diorg nak wat interview time2 gni...pnt nye...
tp tak pe la,aku redah je...kje nye pasal...
so sampai je kt sne pe lg yg korg wat agak2....
bg yg single ley la korg cuci mata kn kn kn...ehehe...
yer la,kn byk stewardess kt sne yg MELETUP2...
rezeki la kte kn...ehehe...
akuley tgk je...
tp tak ley lme2 nnt de org marah lak...ehehe...phm2 je la(spe2 yg tau tue diam eyh!!)
so smpai je office diorg,mak ai...lg la byk...pe yg byk??uiisshh...tak kan nk cter lg kot..
phm2 sendri la eyh...
so pd yg ske cuci mata tuh pe kte korg apply je kje kt office Airasia nih...so ley la korg tmbh dosa skit...(skit ke??)
kt sne diorg mmg ramah la...spe diorg tuh....phm2 la eyh...ehehe...aku di bawa masuk room pe tah...uiks...ROOM!!!ehehe...takde la....room tuk menunggu la..
tp lebey kurang cm tmpt tuk staff browse internet je...so byk la "org2" tue yg lepak situe...sampai naik segan aku ngn diorg...ehehe.....
kt room tue aku kne isi borg pe tah b4 nak masuk interview...
kul5 lebey baru la diorg cll aku n mmbe aku masuk tuk interview...
so aku pun di tembak ngn beberapa soalan yg kalau tak stdy mmg pening gak la aku nk menjwb...yer la,macha yg interview aku tue tak abis2 nak fire aku je....aku jwb tak abis lg dia da fire...cm AK-47 yg taliban pakai tue la...nasib dia tak gne bom je...kalau tak bersepah gak la aku kt sne nnt...
tp pepun syukur la aku ley jwb sume...
siap kne lukis gambar lg pe yg aku terang kn...ahaha...
actually takder la susah sgt pun,tp makin lme makin dlm n specific soalan dia psl bnde yg aku aku terang kn...aku kne terang kn pasal airfoil...
abis aku kait kn pasal kapal MD-11...ehehe...
so ari nie diorg cll tuk offer kje...
aku pun accept...myb next 2 week sampai la surat tue...

nie pic mse g genting...
tak de kaitan pun ngn topic ats...ehehe...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Punisher...5p34k 0f j(_)57!c3...

5p34k 0f j(_)57!c3...phm ke....ehehe...sje je gne bhs elite...PWN u now...ok2...maksud aku "speak of justice"...yer la,mamat The Punisher ni tegak kn keadilan sndri je...
npe kite sembang psl nih lak...aku de blakon ke cte nih?korg dpt tiket free ke?cter ni bersambung cm cter sembilu ke???
ish2,byk tul persoalan nih...ahaha...actually aku bru pas tgk je cter nih...bg yg da tgk tue duk diam2 je...ehehe...cter ni da lme kuar pun...last month kot klau tak salah la kn...kalau salah pun tak pe la,cikgu cikgi kt cni sume baik2 je kn kn kn...
aku tgk kt jusco bndar perda...agak besar la jusco tuh...pnt gak la jln...uhuhu...(T.T)
cter ni mmg agak brutal la tuk spe2 yg berjiwa pink...tp tuk mat2 rempit...uiks,tetibe lak masuk rempit pe hal lak nih...ahaha...pepun cter ni ok je kot...klau nak rate,aku kasi 5/10 la...npe cm truk nih?tak best ke?budget film ke?heroin tak cun ke?
ehehe...heroin yg cun tue kire aspek yg penting la yg pembikinan sesebuah film...yer tak abg2 sekalian...heroin dlm cter nih sme ngn awek Dexter...ala cter siri tuh...
yg wat spoil cter nih pd aku,korg prasan tak org jht dlm cter nih...dia mcm nk tiru gaya Joker dlm Dark Night je...tp tak jd langsung...WHY SO SERIOUS??
aku ske hero which is the abg Punisher tue la...takkan mamat yg bwk teksi kot...dia nie kire kering abis la,senang je sapu org jahat...bukan sapu sampah yer mahupun Encik Sapuan...Hero ni ley survive tanpa de super power cm Spiderman,Superman,Fantastic 4,Silver Surfer,Mak cik goreng pisang...uiks...makcik???
korg tak tau ke??
Ish3...makcik ni palaing power la,pisang goreng yg dia jual musti abis di beli bdk2 miat...kire power la...coz abis bdk2 miat kepunan nak mkn pisang tuh...
ehehe...(makcik,crdt tuh...pisang free de tak??)
adey...pe la aku melalut nih...
abis je tgk movie tue,kitorg gerak g mamak...Kitorg? Spe lg??
awek cun ke??
aku ngn mmbe aku yg bernama fazly...bukan Dr Fazly eyh...
kitorg g Nasmir...aku oder megi goreng(mknan org takde duit) n dia oder tandori pe tah...
pas mkn kami pun bergerak la balik...
esk maybe nk g main bowling kalau de duit lg...
"mama nk duet"
This adorable creature called W-O-M-A-N
If you kiss her, you are not a gentleman
If you don't, you are not a man
If you praise her, she thinks you are lying
If you don't, you are good for nothing
If you agree to all her likes, she is abusing
If you don't, you are not understanding
If you make romance, you are an 'experienced man'
If you don't you are half a man
If you visit her too often, she thinks it is boring
If you don't, she accuses you of double crossing
If you are well dressed, she says you are a playboy
If you don't, you are a dull boy
If you are jealous, she says it's bad
If you don't , she thinks you do not love her
If you attempt a romance, she says you didn't respect her
If you don't, she thinks you do not like her
If you are a minute late, she complains it's hard to wait
If she is late, she says that's a girl's way
If you visit another, she accuses you of being a heel
If she is visited by another, 'oh it's natural, we are girls'
If you kiss her once in a while, she professes you are cold
If you kiss her too many, she yells that you are taking advantage
If you fail to help her in crossing the street, you lack ethics
If you do, she thinks it's just one of the man's tactics
If you stare at other, she accuses you of flirting
If she is stared by others, she says that they are just admiring
If you talk, she wants you to listen
If you listen, she wants you to talk
Oh God! you created those creature called "WOMAN'
So simple, yet so complex
So weak, yet so powerful
So confusing, yet so desirable
"OH GOD, tell me what to do"
If you don't, you are not a man
If you praise her, she thinks you are lying
If you don't, you are good for nothing
If you agree to all her likes, she is abusing
If you don't, you are not understanding
If you make romance, you are an 'experienced man'
If you don't you are half a man
If you visit her too often, she thinks it is boring
If you don't, she accuses you of double crossing
If you are well dressed, she says you are a playboy
If you don't, you are a dull boy
If you are jealous, she says it's bad
If you don't , she thinks you do not love her
If you attempt a romance, she says you didn't respect her
If you don't, she thinks you do not like her
If you are a minute late, she complains it's hard to wait
If she is late, she says that's a girl's way
If you visit another, she accuses you of being a heel
If she is visited by another, 'oh it's natural, we are girls'
If you kiss her once in a while, she professes you are cold
If you kiss her too many, she yells that you are taking advantage
If you fail to help her in crossing the street, you lack ethics
If you do, she thinks it's just one of the man's tactics
If you stare at other, she accuses you of flirting
If she is stared by others, she says that they are just admiring
If you talk, she wants you to listen
If you listen, she wants you to talk
Oh God! you created those creature called "WOMAN'
So simple, yet so complex
So weak, yet so powerful
So confusing, yet so desirable
"OH GOD, tell me what to do"
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
cter lme la...

sorry coz lmbt update n lme tak cte2 pe2...
so nk cte la pe yg blaku lepas2...
21hb Feb yg lepas aku g test QTI...ala test yg kite kne ambik b4 nak g test JPJ...sorry la coz tak tau QTI tue stand for what...ahaha....
well,fyi 21hb tue ari sabtu...so mmg la ramai sgt org dtg coz cuti...tmbah2 lak bdk2 skolah yg nk ambik lesen...aku pun join la diorg...ari tue lak de la 2,3 org yg aku knl coz pnh jmpe mse dtg situe mggu seblum nye...so kami lepak la sme2 sementara menunggu abg buncit(instructor) pns kn engine moto...oppss...lpe lak...aku ambik QTI tuk lesen moto...kete lmbt lg coz tak abis blajo lg...
bdk2 nih kebanyakkan nye bukan asal dari area cni pun which means kulim la...bdk yg lepak ngn aku ni asal dari bandar baharu n lunas...ahaha...cian diorg coz cm terketar2 time tue,yerla kn time tue cm pg kot...(biasa nye aku tak bgn lg la)...
diorg redah ngn moto tuk sampai cni...
mmg sejuk lak pg2 lak tuh...
aku pun cm sejuk gak la,nasib baik sweater busyuk aku de skali...ahaha~~
tgh baik nye tuk mengumpat ngn budak2 nih ttbe je abg buncit cll nme aku...uish...npe lak abg nih...so aku pun berjalan la dgn separa terketar2 ke meja dia yg penuh ngn awek2...rse nye diorg tuh tertarik ngn perut abg tue kot...dat y la sume nak berkepit je ngn dia...oopppss...abg buncit,maap kn sy...ooopppsss lg...instructor ku,maap kn lah daku...
kt meja dia aku kne sign pe tah...surat wasiat dia kot..ehehe...actually aku la candidate 1st QTI ari tuh...mak aiii...bertambah terketar la aku...bergegar gak lak meja abg buncit mse aku duk sign tue...ehehe...dgn baek ati nye abg buncit ckp kt aku "wan,ari nih hg wat elok2 noh,wat cmna abg ajaq keyh..."
aku pun angguk je tande phm sambil cover jari yg terketar tuh...
pas settle sign sume paper2 yg tah pe nme nye tue,aku g la ke moto ngn pakai helmet...kaler biru seyh...ehehe...ske2...=)
tp bau nye...alahai,mamat mne nye kepala la yg punca nih...adey...pepagi lg da sumbat idung aku...then kne pakai vest kaler ijau cm org wat jln tue lak...free size lak tuh...kalau aku pompuan mau nmpk seksi je kn...ehehe...yer la,bdn aku lak cm tiang TNB tue je,longgar abis la...da cm pakai sluar baggy aku mse zaman hiphop dlu2 la...
hentam je la labu...
so aku pun naik la moto kt depan aku tuh ngn berpuluh2 mata tgk aku sowg2 je...uhuhu...abg buncit kejam!!!
de ke ptt suruh aku sowg2 je jln dlu...
so bergerak la moto EX5 tue ke first obstacle...
dgn megah nye aku pun bg la isyarat tgn tuk masuk ke pusingan 8 nih...tak de la megah pun,takut je time tuh...da la sejuk...tp yg best, mse blajo diorg kasi moto buruk tp time QTI nih diorg kasi moto baru...ehehe...npe diorg tak kasi scooter je...kn lg best...kn kn abg buncit...ehehe...
rse nye abis baik la kot pusingan 8 aku wat coz aku nmpk smpai der yg da tergolek kt tmpt tggu giliran tuh...(actually mamat tue tdo kot)
kt cni aku kne bwk moto tue melalui titi yg selebar 1ft...kecik je,tak cm 1ft pun...
tp de syarat lg tau...kne berada atas titi tue slame 7sec ke ats...
ehehe...tak susah pun...slalu aku wat lebey 10sec...
tp di sbb kn ketar yg tak abis lg nih...aku jatuh dari titi tue mse da nak abis titi da...
rugi nye...uhuhu...
kt cni aku aku wat cm biasa je la...tp pg tue cm bru pas ujan...so spot tuk brek tue cm licin skit...nasib baik aku tak terlajak...kalau tak mau sarapan pg ngn tar n berlauk kn divider kt ctue...licin glr time tuh...slalu tak cm tue pun...
senyum je abg buncit tgk aku...uiks,lawak ke...klau tergolek spe yg susah...munchkin gak yg risau nnt...Oooppss...munchkin??
pe tue....ehehe...
ahaha...cni la part nmpk cm sengal skit...buat korg2 yg penah ambik lesen sure tau kn...kt cni aku kne gne kn isyarat tgn dgn byk nye...
bukan nye jalan raya tp kne praktik kn penggunaan isyarat tgn cm kt jln raya...
so kne angkt tgn...wat libasan cm kepak aym kne ggt ngn kutu...ehehe...so pd mereka yg nk ambik lesen moto,aku nasihat kn,shave la bulu tue eyh...kang jd bahan gelak org lak mse korg angkt tgn...ehehe...
abis je sume abg buncit pun dtg kt aku...dia mntak aku repeat part titi coz aku jatuh td...
mmg aku wat ngn confidence abis la kali nih...coz da kurang skit getar...
guest what...aku dpt mse yg paling lme tuk ari tuh...12.24sec...ahahaa!!!
bangge nye...
thank abg buncit!!! =)
so settle la QTI aku tuk ari tue...
JPJ 15hb nie lak...uhuhu...
pepun thank for reading my blog...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
another hot day...
Berikut adalah senarai Syarikat dan produk mereka serta sumbangan mereka ke rejim Zionis dan Amerika:
Syarikat : Phillip Morris Produk : Rokok dan Makanan Jenama : Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Benson & Hedges, Winston, Gold Coast, Merit, Parliament, Alpine, Basic, Cambridge, Bristol, Bucks, Chesterfield, Collector’s Choice, Commander, English Ovals, Lark, L&M, Players and Saratoga, C? e d’Or, Philadelphia, Polo, Milka, Malabar, Marabou, Prince Fakta : 12 % keuntungannya adalah untuk Israel, Setiap hari umat Islam membelanjakan USD 800 juta untuk membeli rokok mereka, keuntungan purata 10% atau USD 80 juta sehari. JADI USD 9.6 JUTA DUIT ORANG ISLAM PERGI KE ISRAEL SETIAP HARI
Syarikat : Coca-Cola - McDonalds - Burger King - Pizza Hut ?KFC Produk : Minuman Jenama : Light Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Canada Dry, Crush, Schweppes, Minute Maid, Nestea, Dr. Pepper Fakta : Sejak 1966 Coca Cola meyokong penuh negara Israel. Coca Cola telah menerima anugerah tertinggi dari kerajaan Israel kerana lebih 30 tahun menyokong mereka serta membantah boikot Liga Arab terhadap Israel.
Syarikat : Nestle Jenama : Kit Kat, Perrier, Libby, Nescafe, Maggie, Buitoni, Nestea, Freskies, Vittel, Pure Life, Nido, Smarties, Lion, Polo, After Eight, Coffee Mate, Nesquik, Aero, Quality Street, Felix (cat food), Crosse & Blackwell, Milkmaid, Carnation, Shreddies, Baci Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Milkybar, Frutips Fakta :
Syarikat Swiss ini dimilikki 50.1% oleh syarikat Israel, Osem Investments. Pada tahun 2000 mengumumkan untuk melabur berjuta-juta dolar di Israel dalam R & D. Pada tahun Peter Brabeck-Letmathe bagi pihak Nestle menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Netanyahu.
Syarikat : Disney Produk : Disneyland, Euro-Disney, Jenama Disney, Kartun, Filem Fakta : Pameran Walt Disney Millennium di Epcot Centre Florida menonjolkan Jerusalem sebagai ibu negara Israel. Kos US 8 juta untuk pameran ini dibiayai US 1.8 juta oleh Israel untuk menentukan isi kandungan pameran. Ini adalah kempen Israel menggunakan Disneyland untuk menguasai Jerusalem sepenuhnya.
Syarikat : Delta Galil Industries Ltd. Produk : Pasaraya, Pakaian dan Kasut Jenama : JC Penney , Carrefour Nike, Reebok, Converse, Calvin Klein, Gap, Boss, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, Bauer, Wrangler, Dim, Old Navy Dockers, Celio, J. Crew , Caterpillar, Lou Riders, Pryca Fakta : Syarikat kain terbesar Israel. Pengasasnya Dov Lautman adalah kenalan rapat Presiden Israel ketika itu Ehud Barak.
Syarikat : Nokia Produk : Telekomunikasi, telefon bimbit dan elektronik Fakta : Nokia melabur begitu banyak di Israel dan memanggilnya PROJEK ISRAEL.
Syarikat : Danone Produk : Makanan, minuman dan biskut Produk : Evian, Alpina, LU Biscuits, Tuc, Volvic, Strauss dairy, Jacob biscuits, Danone yogart, HP foods, LEA & PERRINS, Sant? Galbani, Danao, Danette Fakta : Pada tahun 1998 Franck Riboud bagi pihak Danone menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel, Netanyahu. Anugerah tertinggi negara Israel untuk syarikat yang memperkukuhkan ekonomi Israel. Institut Danone, satu institut Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan telah di tubuhkan di Israel pada tahun 1998.
Syarikat : Johnson & Johnson Produk : Kesihatan. Fakta : Pada tahun 1998 Roger S. Fineon bagi pihak Johnson & Johnson, menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel Netanyahu.
Syarikat : Revlon Produk : Kosmetik Fakta : Jutawan Ronald Perelman yang memilikki Revlaon adalah seorang Zionis. Penyokong kuat Zionis Merupakan pemegang amanah Pusat Simon Wiesenthal Center yang menggunakan Holocaust untuk mendapatkan sokongan Zionisma dan Israel.
Syarikat : AOL Time Warner Produk : Media Elektronik dan Cetak Jenama : ICQ, Warner Bros, CNN, AOL, Times magazine Fakta : AOL memperuntukkan 30% daripada portfolio keuntungan di Israel. Pada tahun 1998 AOL menerima anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Netanyahu.
p/s:pikirkan la nasib saudare2 islam kite..10 sen duit anda ibarat anda mndermakan 1 pluru untuk mmbunuh saudare2 kite...
Syarikat : Phillip Morris Produk : Rokok dan Makanan Jenama : Marlboro, Virginia Slims, Benson & Hedges, Winston, Gold Coast, Merit, Parliament, Alpine, Basic, Cambridge, Bristol, Bucks, Chesterfield, Collector’s Choice, Commander, English Ovals, Lark, L&M, Players and Saratoga, C? e d’Or, Philadelphia, Polo, Milka, Malabar, Marabou, Prince Fakta : 12 % keuntungannya adalah untuk Israel, Setiap hari umat Islam membelanjakan USD 800 juta untuk membeli rokok mereka, keuntungan purata 10% atau USD 80 juta sehari. JADI USD 9.6 JUTA DUIT ORANG ISLAM PERGI KE ISRAEL SETIAP HARI
Syarikat : Coca-Cola - McDonalds - Burger King - Pizza Hut ?KFC Produk : Minuman Jenama : Light Coke, Fanta, Sprite, Canada Dry, Crush, Schweppes, Minute Maid, Nestea, Dr. Pepper Fakta : Sejak 1966 Coca Cola meyokong penuh negara Israel. Coca Cola telah menerima anugerah tertinggi dari kerajaan Israel kerana lebih 30 tahun menyokong mereka serta membantah boikot Liga Arab terhadap Israel.
Syarikat : Nestle Jenama : Kit Kat, Perrier, Libby, Nescafe, Maggie, Buitoni, Nestea, Freskies, Vittel, Pure Life, Nido, Smarties, Lion, Polo, After Eight, Coffee Mate, Nesquik, Aero, Quality Street, Felix (cat food), Crosse & Blackwell, Milkmaid, Carnation, Shreddies, Baci Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Milkybar, Frutips Fakta :
Syarikat Swiss ini dimilikki 50.1% oleh syarikat Israel, Osem Investments. Pada tahun 2000 mengumumkan untuk melabur berjuta-juta dolar di Israel dalam R & D. Pada tahun Peter Brabeck-Letmathe bagi pihak Nestle menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Netanyahu.
Syarikat : Disney Produk : Disneyland, Euro-Disney, Jenama Disney, Kartun, Filem Fakta : Pameran Walt Disney Millennium di Epcot Centre Florida menonjolkan Jerusalem sebagai ibu negara Israel. Kos US 8 juta untuk pameran ini dibiayai US 1.8 juta oleh Israel untuk menentukan isi kandungan pameran. Ini adalah kempen Israel menggunakan Disneyland untuk menguasai Jerusalem sepenuhnya.
Syarikat : Delta Galil Industries Ltd. Produk : Pasaraya, Pakaian dan Kasut Jenama : JC Penney , Carrefour Nike, Reebok, Converse, Calvin Klein, Gap, Boss, Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, Bauer, Wrangler, Dim, Old Navy Dockers, Celio, J. Crew , Caterpillar, Lou Riders, Pryca Fakta : Syarikat kain terbesar Israel. Pengasasnya Dov Lautman adalah kenalan rapat Presiden Israel ketika itu Ehud Barak.
Syarikat : Nokia Produk : Telekomunikasi, telefon bimbit dan elektronik Fakta : Nokia melabur begitu banyak di Israel dan memanggilnya PROJEK ISRAEL.
Syarikat : Danone Produk : Makanan, minuman dan biskut Produk : Evian, Alpina, LU Biscuits, Tuc, Volvic, Strauss dairy, Jacob biscuits, Danone yogart, HP foods, LEA & PERRINS, Sant? Galbani, Danao, Danette Fakta : Pada tahun 1998 Franck Riboud bagi pihak Danone menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel, Netanyahu. Anugerah tertinggi negara Israel untuk syarikat yang memperkukuhkan ekonomi Israel. Institut Danone, satu institut Penyelidikan dan Pembangunan telah di tubuhkan di Israel pada tahun 1998.
Syarikat : Johnson & Johnson Produk : Kesihatan. Fakta : Pada tahun 1998 Roger S. Fineon bagi pihak Johnson & Johnson, menerima Anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Israel Netanyahu.
Syarikat : Revlon Produk : Kosmetik Fakta : Jutawan Ronald Perelman yang memilikki Revlaon adalah seorang Zionis. Penyokong kuat Zionis Merupakan pemegang amanah Pusat Simon Wiesenthal Center yang menggunakan Holocaust untuk mendapatkan sokongan Zionisma dan Israel.
Syarikat : AOL Time Warner Produk : Media Elektronik dan Cetak Jenama : ICQ, Warner Bros, CNN, AOL, Times magazine Fakta : AOL memperuntukkan 30% daripada portfolio keuntungan di Israel. Pada tahun 1998 AOL menerima anugerah Jubli daripada Perdana Menteri Netanyahu.
p/s:pikirkan la nasib saudare2 islam kite..10 sen duit anda ibarat anda mndermakan 1 pluru untuk mmbunuh saudare2 kite...
Monday, February 9, 2009
kejor yop...!!!
nie cter psl 2,3 ari lps la...tak dpt nk post coz internet prob lak...
setting tuk 2 (pc aku n abg) pc asyik clash je...tah la...
so..pe yg berlaku 2,3 ari lepas...ermmm,aku g perak...nme tmpt tue titi gantung kot kalau tak salah la...cousin aku meninggal...Al-Fatihah wat arwah...so dia dpt la sijil yg kite sume akn dpt one day nnt...sijil mati...
pas tgk kt sijil tue,doktor sah kn dia lumpuh b4 dia pegi...tah la..aku tak phm sgt psl tuh...yg pasti dia da lepas seksaan kubur coz dia nie cacat/terencat since dari lahir lg...he is special...mmg sume org nmpk sdey...aku phm cmne diorg rse coz aku penah lalui saat tuh...tambah bile org yg tgl kn kite tue org yg paling rapat ngn kite...aku kehilangan satu2 nye kakak yg aku ada kt dunia nih pd 05/06/07...
pe yg sdey kn lg aku bile niat aku nk jmpe arwah akak,dia pegi 2 ari pastuh...cte nye cmni,arwah de latihan pelapes kt uitm s.a. so aku pun nk la g jmpe dia coz aku kt sepang time tuh (still stdy kt miat)...aku cll la mama tuk confirm n tny pndpt mama klau aku g melawat akak kt sne ok ke tak...yer la,takut ggu lak latihan dia...tue kire latihan terakhir la coz dia akan dipertauliah kn left. muda lg seminggu kot...
mama tak kasi coz takut ggu dia n myb nnt kne marah ngn pegawai dia lak coz jmpe time latihan...so aku accept je la...
well,aku de msg dia tny dia cmne...dia reply,dia letey sgt2...cian dia...esk lusa nye aku balik umah kt kulim...then kami sekeluarga g la perak,same place as i mention above...de kenduri pe tah...esk nye kami dpt cll dri balai polis kte akak da terlantar kt hospital...diorg da cube contact kami sekeluarga tp tak dpt...yer la,tmpt tue kn cm pendalaman skit...they even came to our house in kulim but sad to say coz we in perak dat time...
mama n abh mintak aku abg 2nd,abg1st n wife dia balik umah kt kulim kot2 de pe2...mama n abah gerak s.a tuk tgk akak...
aku sampai je umah kt kulim,mama n abah cll dri klan kte akak de kt icu sne...so pe lg,kami adik bradik trus gerak g klang from kulim...
sampai je sne mama approach aku then ckp "wan,trima la suma ni ngn redha,kak na tak ley tahan lama lg"...
tuhan je yg tau cmne aku rse time tuh...tue la aku btul2 nanges coz sdey2 sgt...aku mmg tak ley trime sume nih...celaru sgt perasaan aku time tuh...nk marah de...geran,takut,sedey,tak paham...tak tau la nk ckp cmne...
then aku masuk dlm wad tmpt kak na...de byk sgt paip2 plus ngn wire2 kt seluruh bdn dia...kak da koma...pe yg wat jantung dia berdenyut hanyalah sebuah mesin life support...mmg aku tak phm,mama kte doktor ckp akak myb kne denggi tp npe tmpt dia tak di quarantine pun...
tak mo cte lg...
nnt lg2 la aku sdey...
so balik psl cter kt perak....pas kebumikn arwah cousin aku tuh kami lepak jp sampai ptg b4 balik kulim...
well,mmg penat tp it is an honor to u my dear cousin...we all love u...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
"adik pass KPP test, tahniah.."

all new 370z fairlady
tue la ucapan yg kuar dari mulut akak yg jge kaunter kt tmpt test computer KPP...uhuhu...
aku senyum je la...yer la,bukan nyer tak tau,kn pas je abis menjwb kite da nmpk keputusan tuk tue,so akak tue takkan nk aku tipu2 wat terkejut kot...lol...
result test aku tak de la truk or ok sgt pun...cukup2 je...aku dpt 49/50...
erm...klau dpt full mark kn best...uhuhu...
tak pe la...
syukur aku pass...de gak la yg tak pass time aku kt ctue...
sorg gurl nie siap muke cm nk mkn org je bile abis jwb exam KPP tue...tp time aku jmpe kt luar office tue dia da nanges cam ribut daaa...tak de lakental sgt cm kt dlm td...
tue la kot yg di kte kn ego...
erm...cian gak...
aku dgr2 dia dpt 41...lg satu btul dia pass la...
cian nye...nak wat cmne...myb set soalan dia susah sgt kot...takpe,nnt akak dtg try lg eyh,aku ckp dlm ati je la...kang klau ckp dpn2 mau kne pijak lak muka aku nih...
ingt ptg tue nak kuar main bowling ngn adik aku tp tgn aku still sakit lg...sakit sgt lak tuh...kire the whole right arm aku cm pain sgt2...nak lift bola pun tak ley...
munchkin tlong sapu kn minyak...uhuhu...
a trip to aused-unied...
bgn pagi gosok gigi...lg lg lg...tak tau da...tue lagu zaman kanak2 aku...
so trip g melawat aused pun bermula...
aku n abah je g...just the two of us...cm lagu je kn...
perjalanan yg cm bosan tue mengambil masa lebey kurang 2jam...tmpt tue terletak berhampiran gurney drive kot...lebey specific kt jalan burma...kitorg sesat atas kedegilana abah yg langsung takmo dgr ckp aku...
lebey kurang 1jam lebey gak la sesat...
kitorg da masuk jalan yg btul ley lak dia cube2 nk try jln sendri...
susah tul la nk phm org tua nih...uhuhu...
sampai je kt sana aku pun isi borang tuk apply BSc (Hons)Aircraft Maintenance Engineering...
kire ni another chapter tuk course stdy aku la...diploma aku pun aircraft maintenance...
doa kn aku dpt g sne keyh...uhuhu...(thank in advance=>)
tp klau g spe nk tgk kn munchkin...uhuhu...
ni pic atas ferry ondaway nk g penang...

de kapal star cruises lol...
so trip g melawat aused pun bermula...
aku n abah je g...just the two of us...cm lagu je kn...
perjalanan yg cm bosan tue mengambil masa lebey kurang 2jam...tmpt tue terletak berhampiran gurney drive kot...lebey specific kt jalan burma...kitorg sesat atas kedegilana abah yg langsung takmo dgr ckp aku...
lebey kurang 1jam lebey gak la sesat...
kitorg da masuk jalan yg btul ley lak dia cube2 nk try jln sendri...
susah tul la nk phm org tua nih...uhuhu...
sampai je kt sana aku pun isi borang tuk apply BSc (Hons)Aircraft Maintenance Engineering...
kire ni another chapter tuk course stdy aku la...diploma aku pun aircraft maintenance...
doa kn aku dpt g sne keyh...uhuhu...(thank in advance=>)
tp klau g spe nk tgk kn munchkin...uhuhu...
ni pic atas ferry ondaway nk g penang...
de kapal star cruises lol...
Sunday, February 1, 2009
what a fine day...
another fine day...ari nie pepagi(actually kul11.30 da) gerak g wat latihan computer tuk ujian KPP...ahaha...to pass that exam u need to get 42 out of 50 questions...it took me 3 times to get above it...my first tryout got 41 then the second turn out to be 39...WTF!!!but that wouldn't stop me for the next try,turn out to be 47...ahahaha....
it was nothing cause its kinda an exercise n not the real exam...but what would it be if that was my real exam...one try out should cost around 20buck...ahaha, seem like mine was 60buck...damn a lot of money just burn out like that...
well that mean i gotta stdy bout this f**kin law....dont wanna throw my money just for a lazy questions...
well done with it,i head to SUMMIT bkt mertajam, a couple of block from where i was born...nothing change.still same old building fill with REMPIT guy n indon...ahaha...hell yaa...if it wasn't for bowling i wouldn't go there...actually there if a better place for bowling which is PACIFIC a.k.a penang megamall...a lil' bit bout this megamall,it was once a famous place for people from butterworth,prai,kulim and even people from sg. petani would come for this lovely shopping complex...but that was back then before SUNWAY carnival were opened...almost all the shop in megamall closed as the sunway on the run...
well, people always looking for something new,rite??then time by time this holy complex(is it??) loss its credibility on seducing people to come...
the only people who went there is the only people who is like me...bowler...
why didn't i go there today...for an answer nothing than for MONEY...ahaha...
30buck were in the wallet(...munchkin bg wallet tue =)...)
the only choice i got is this REMPIT place lol...
well, first i only pay for 3 frame/game...then add 1 more game coz my score is getting worse and worse...uhuhu...(T.T)
myb there been a while im not played...uhuhu...in fact the lane not well maintain...so the hook went out from the degree it suppose to be....most of my previous experience was took from alamanda bowling alley...so who's bowl out there,dont waste your money for playing at summit...
here is how it look when u do hook on this summit lane...
afterward when back home meeting "just married" cousin...you know who if u do refer my previous post...
well,today is damia birthday...not much as my 2nd brother wasn't here...most of the time he will be the one who spent for this...there only a cake and some koew teow which my mak chaq bring for damia's party....actually not even a party...well what else can i call it...
sorry damia,uncle wan da kering lol...really sorry for not doing or buy anything for u sayang...
here the pic...

there's damia duk ngada2...

for me...
it was nothing cause its kinda an exercise n not the real exam...but what would it be if that was my real exam...one try out should cost around 20buck...ahaha, seem like mine was 60buck...damn a lot of money just burn out like that...
well that mean i gotta stdy bout this f**kin law....dont wanna throw my money just for a lazy questions...
well done with it,i head to SUMMIT bkt mertajam, a couple of block from where i was born...nothing change.still same old building fill with REMPIT guy n indon...ahaha...hell yaa...if it wasn't for bowling i wouldn't go there...actually there if a better place for bowling which is PACIFIC a.k.a penang megamall...a lil' bit bout this megamall,it was once a famous place for people from butterworth,prai,kulim and even people from sg. petani would come for this lovely shopping complex...but that was back then before SUNWAY carnival were opened...almost all the shop in megamall closed as the sunway on the run...
well, people always looking for something new,rite??then time by time this holy complex(is it??) loss its credibility on seducing people to come...
the only people who went there is the only people who is like me...bowler...
why didn't i go there today...for an answer nothing than for MONEY...ahaha...
30buck were in the wallet(...munchkin bg wallet tue =)...)
the only choice i got is this REMPIT place lol...
well, first i only pay for 3 frame/game...then add 1 more game coz my score is getting worse and worse...uhuhu...(T.T)
myb there been a while im not played...uhuhu...in fact the lane not well maintain...so the hook went out from the degree it suppose to be....most of my previous experience was took from alamanda bowling alley...so who's bowl out there,dont waste your money for playing at summit...
here is how it look when u do hook on this summit lane...
afterward when back home meeting "just married" cousin...you know who if u do refer my previous post...
well,today is damia birthday...not much as my 2nd brother wasn't here...most of the time he will be the one who spent for this...there only a cake and some koew teow which my mak chaq bring for damia's party....actually not even a party...well what else can i call it...
sorry damia,uncle wan da kering lol...really sorry for not doing or buy anything for u sayang...
here the pic...
there's damia duk ngada2...
for me...
quite sleepy..
Oooppss...esok kne bgn awal lak...de clss driving loorr.malas nye nk bgn awl...cmne nih???
what ever happen pun kne bgn gak la...lgpun mlm ni cm tak de pe2 sgt nak wat...normally time2 gini aku tgk DEXTER tp da abis la plak...
tgh tggu season3 episode 11 and 12 siap lak then sambung la balik activity mlm aku...
tp klau da abis cter tue kne la aku cari alternative lain lak tuk mambazir kn masa yg penuh ngn kebosanan...
esk pas clss aku plan nk g main bowling la...da lme sgt tak main nih...sure longkang je nnt...wat malu je kalau pakai hand guard...ahaha...mmpus la...FOKUSSS!!!
mintak2 la tak ramai org...da la recrd aku makin truk je...b4 pakai glove ley je maintain 140+...pas pakai maki truk la main...hook pun da cm pe lg...
pakcik2 kt alley tue ckp aku kne tmbah berat bola...which means bola baru la n mne lak nak gali duit nak bli...uhuhu~~
ni la yg tak best jd pengangur sepenuh masa nih...
nk kne kje nih...
da2...jgn nak melalut lg...kalau tak usaha cari kje cmne nak dpt duit...kn...kn...kn...
pas main bowling i gonna rush back for my lovely niece birthday...uhuhu...
sori damia coz pakcik wan takder duit nak bli present...pakcik janji eyh,nnt pakcik da kje pakcik bli kn hadiah keyh...muawh...=)
Friday, January 30, 2009
da jmpe munckin..
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
malas lg...
sepatut nye ari ni aku ptt g interview kt SILTERRA tp di sebab kn aku tak ready pepun so aku trus kn tdo sampai tgh ari...ahaha...
smlm aku try la prepare skit,stdy psl semiconductor yg tah aku tak ingt pepun,tgk background company tuh,then check on what the hell is NCIA...
actually interview nih tuk program internship.so mmg kne bon la tuk 12 month to stdy with them...
kire cm kje sambil blajo la,diorg kasi elaun 1k per month...
takut gak la kalau aku tak ley jwb pepun time interview...cuak looorrr...
cian kt mak n abah aku coz bgn pepagi nak anta anak diorg nih tp it turn out aku tak nak g lak...
klau ikut plan aku mmg nak g, tp aku da set jadual tuk stdy skit b4 g interview nih...ni sume sangkut coz psl kenduri smlm la, ptt pas kenduri aku nak balik trus then nk stdy psl nih,lebey kurang cm nak practice skrip la...tp tak pasal2 lak kne stay sampai ptg...
parent aku ley lak duk lepak lme2...
byg kn la dari kul9 pg sampai la kul6.30 ptg aku kt sne duk tlong wat kje...
then da siap kje ingt bley la balik,parent aku lak bru nk bke cte...berlanjutan la skit...
then sampai umah pun cm bdn aku da lunyai...mne tak nye, time tlong kt kenduri tuh aku duk tgh panas lak...
pnt glr la..
kt umah lak bru aku tringt yg aku nk copy sijil pas balik kenduri...nk copy pe nye kalau sampai umah pun da kul7 lebey...
mne nak de kedai bke lg....
nasib baik la time mlm adik aku kuar...pas kt dia je la tuk tlong settle kn nih...
tp prob blum settle sume lg,aku tak print out lg borang yg HR dia kasi kt aku...da la resume yg diorg nk pun aku tak print lg...
tension tul...
pas surfing tenet smlm tgl psl company tuh,aku da makin serabut...
uhuhu...then trus tdo coz mls nak pk...
pepagi je pas mak aku kejut ngn tak pk panjang nye aku ckp "takmo pi la ma,byk benda tak print out lg"....lebey kurang 30min kemudian abah lak dtg...
aku jwp "takmo la pi,wan tak print resume ngn paper work yg depa nak"....
kejam nye aku...
rse cm tak ptt aku wat cmtuh...tp nk wat cmne,klau aku g pun mau keras cm batu time interview nnt...
da la bnde yg diorg nak aku tak wat...mau tak kne sepak bertubi2 nnt...
from there diorg da dpt tgk aku tak prepare n tak de effort tuk dtg...uhuhu..
padahal aku da awal2 set jadual...
tp last2 cmni lak jd kt aku....
Monday, January 26, 2009
back again with nothing to say...^^
bosan nye ari nih.da la cuaca nk panas je...sepanas engine turbine yg bru pas operate at high capacity je...
28/01 ni aku ada interview tp cm malas je nk g...diorg da cll askin for my answer...sadly i do say yes to attend their interview...ahaha...klau tak g nnt jobstreet black list lak nama aku...jahat nya aku nih,da dpt tak nk lak kn...padahal berjuta2 org nk kje tp tak dpt...ehehe^^
its ok then,myb aku ptt cll and cancel je interview tuh...
aku mmg tak tau nk stdy pepun tuk prepare interview...yer la,interview tue more to industries padahal aku lak stdy pasal aviation...mne nak tau pe2 pasal PLC,CC,DMC, n pe2 nenek CC la...uhuhu...(",)
mau tergolek klau diorg tny nnt...ahaha...SILTERRA,maaf kn ku coz tak tau pe korg wat,ahaha...
Sunday, January 25, 2009
lesen oh lesen...
ari ni aku g wat lesen.ooOppss...aku bukan JPJ ea. Actually aku bru g 1st class yg 5 jam tuh. Kursus KPP kot klau tak slah. Biasa la, tak pay attention sgt coz kepala duk melayang pikir bnde lain kot,ehehe...~
bayang kn la da hampir sebulan aku tak merasa duk kt dlm clss n 5hours lak tuh. Memang bengkak la aku duk tahan ngntuk yg teramat. Da la tido lambat then bangun nak awal lak...ahaha..padan muka aku,spe suruh tdo lambat kn...^^
b4 dis aku penah da g clss KPP nih tp nak wat cmne,tak sempat wat P. tue sume psl MIAT tmpt stdy aku tuh la...cuti tak penah cecah sebulan pun...3 1/2 years there, not even one sem break smpai sebulan... Mau tak nye lesen L aku mati... Memula tue aku try la nk wat P kt area sepang, then tmpt latihan tue mula la bg harapan palsu yg tanpa aku sedari tue sume just harapan...aku bayar full lak tuh tuk wat P then g la latihan almost every sec yg de.pas clss je muka aku da terpacak kt tmpt latihan tuh...mmbe2 siap datang ramai2 lg,konon nye nak bg sokongan tp wat malu je...yer la tak penah d wat org...tp aku sgt2 la bertrima kasih kt diorg coz dtg menceria kn life aku...last2 ari tuk test nme aku tak de...sgt2 la nk marah aku rasa...diorg ckp aku tak ley wat P kt KL or others state which this turn out aku kne la wat negeri jelapang padi,negeri kesayangan aku...KEDAH...npe la tak ckp awal2 tak ley,ni tak...ckp ok je,tak de prob,bnde biasa,tak salah pun...WTF they had in mind...!!!
nasib baik la parent aku cm ok je...aku try nk g mintak refund balik on the next week nye pas dpt mententeram kn jiwa yg remuk nih,sampai je kt gate tmpat latihan tuh aku di jemput dgn mesra nya oleh gate yg kna rantai sebesar rantai mengikat lembu yg tgh mengamuk nak lari dari kne sembelih...
dengan kecewa nya aku pun balik la hostel n for sure la bwk scoot tanpa lesen lg...
lepak2 je kt bilik de lak bunyi cengkerik kata tmpat tue di sita majlis bandaran...
WTF!!!pe nih...da jatuh kne timpa tngga lak,nasib baik aku tak pakai tangga g situ kalau tak mau nye aku bg diorg mkn tangga tuh...
waaaaa...sdey la tp nk wat cmne...tak de rezeki.accept je la sume nih...
masuk next sem aku sje je g lalu area tuh ngn scoot kesayangan aku...looorrr,idup lg tmpt latihan tuh tp kinda sad to know that its under new management...uhuhu~~
tue la akibat nye bile excited sgt nk wat license...ahaha...last2 wat kt KULIM gak aku...kne start dari bwh balik...kursus 5 jam yg kadang2 wat aku rasa best....ahaha...thank to pakcik instructor yg byk wat lawak...ehehe~~
npe la aku tak lawak cm tue, klau tak sure dpt happy kn my munchkin...~~
bayang kn la da hampir sebulan aku tak merasa duk kt dlm clss n 5hours lak tuh. Memang bengkak la aku duk tahan ngntuk yg teramat. Da la tido lambat then bangun nak awal lak...ahaha..padan muka aku,spe suruh tdo lambat kn...^^
b4 dis aku penah da g clss KPP nih tp nak wat cmne,tak sempat wat P. tue sume psl MIAT tmpt stdy aku tuh la...cuti tak penah cecah sebulan pun...3 1/2 years there, not even one sem break smpai sebulan... Mau tak nye lesen L aku mati... Memula tue aku try la nk wat P kt area sepang, then tmpt latihan tue mula la bg harapan palsu yg tanpa aku sedari tue sume just harapan...aku bayar full lak tuh tuk wat P then g la latihan almost every sec yg de.pas clss je muka aku da terpacak kt tmpt latihan tuh...mmbe2 siap datang ramai2 lg,konon nye nak bg sokongan tp wat malu je...yer la tak penah d wat org...tp aku sgt2 la bertrima kasih kt diorg coz dtg menceria kn life aku...last2 ari tuk test nme aku tak de...sgt2 la nk marah aku rasa...diorg ckp aku tak ley wat P kt KL or others state which this turn out aku kne la wat negeri jelapang padi,negeri kesayangan aku...KEDAH...npe la tak ckp awal2 tak ley,ni tak...ckp ok je,tak de prob,bnde biasa,tak salah pun...WTF they had in mind...!!!
nasib baik la parent aku cm ok je...aku try nk g mintak refund balik on the next week nye pas dpt mententeram kn jiwa yg remuk nih,sampai je kt gate tmpat latihan tuh aku di jemput dgn mesra nya oleh gate yg kna rantai sebesar rantai mengikat lembu yg tgh mengamuk nak lari dari kne sembelih...
dengan kecewa nya aku pun balik la hostel n for sure la bwk scoot tanpa lesen lg...
lepak2 je kt bilik de lak bunyi cengkerik kata tmpat tue di sita majlis bandaran...
WTF!!!pe nih...da jatuh kne timpa tngga lak,nasib baik aku tak pakai tangga g situ kalau tak mau nye aku bg diorg mkn tangga tuh...
waaaaa...sdey la tp nk wat cmne...tak de rezeki.accept je la sume nih...
masuk next sem aku sje je g lalu area tuh ngn scoot kesayangan aku...looorrr,idup lg tmpt latihan tuh tp kinda sad to know that its under new management...uhuhu~~
tue la akibat nye bile excited sgt nk wat license...ahaha...last2 wat kt KULIM gak aku...kne start dari bwh balik...kursus 5 jam yg kadang2 wat aku rasa best....ahaha...thank to pakcik instructor yg byk wat lawak...ehehe~~
npe la aku tak lawak cm tue, klau tak sure dpt happy kn my munchkin...~~
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
boy and girl
When a girl is mean to you after a break-up…she wants you back but she is too scared she'll get hurt and knows you're gone forever!
> when you catch a girl glancing at you, she wants you to look back and smile
> When a girl bumps into your arm while walking with you, she wants you to hold her hand
> When she wants a hug she will just stand there
> When u break a girls heart she still feels it when you run into each other 3 years later
> When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind..
> When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply,,
> When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around
> When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a few seconds, she is not at all fine
> When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are playing games
> When a girl lays her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever
> When a girl says she can't live without you, she has made up her mind that you are her future
> When a girl says, "I miss you," no one in this world can miss you more than that
> When a guy calls you, he wants to be with you
> When a guy is quiet, he's listening to you...
> When a guy is not arguing, He realizes he's wrong
> When a guy says, "I'm fine" after a few minutes he means it
> When a guy stares at you, he wishes you would care about him and wonders if you do
> When your laying your head on a guy's chest, he has the world
> When a guy calls/texts/comments/messages you everyday, he is in love
> When a (good) guy tells you he loves you, he means it
> When a guy says he can't live without you, he's with you till your done
> When a guy says, "I miss you," he misses you more than you could have ever missed him or anything else
> when you catch a girl glancing at you, she wants you to look back and smile
> When a girl bumps into your arm while walking with you, she wants you to hold her hand
> When she wants a hug she will just stand there
> When u break a girls heart she still feels it when you run into each other 3 years later
> When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her mind..
> When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply,,
> When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions, she is wondering how long you will be around
> When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a few seconds, she is not at all fine
> When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are playing games
> When a girl lays her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever
> When a girl says she can't live without you, she has made up her mind that you are her future
> When a girl says, "I miss you," no one in this world can miss you more than that
> When a guy calls you, he wants to be with you
> When a guy is quiet, he's listening to you...
> When a guy is not arguing, He realizes he's wrong
> When a guy says, "I'm fine" after a few minutes he means it
> When a guy stares at you, he wishes you would care about him and wonders if you do
> When your laying your head on a guy's chest, he has the world
> When a guy calls/texts/comments/messages you everyday, he is in love
> When a (good) guy tells you he loves you, he means it
> When a guy says he can't live without you, he's with you till your done
> When a guy says, "I miss you," he misses you more than you could have ever missed him or anything else
♥Jika engkau berbuat bakti kepadanya, ia akan melindungimu.
♥Jika engkau rapatkan persahabatan dengannya, dia akan membalas baik persahabatanmu itu.
♥Jika engkau perlukan pertolongan daripadanya berupa wang dan sebagainya ia akan membantumu.
♥Jika engkau menghulurkan sesuatu kebaikan kepadanya, ia akan menerima dengan baik.
♥Jika ia mendapat sesuatu kabajikan (bantuan) daripadamu, ia akan menghargai atau menyebut kebaikanmu.
♥Jika ia melihat sesuatu yang tidak baik daripadamu, ia akan menutupnya.
♥Jika engkau meminta sesuatu bantuan daripadanya, ia akan mengusahakannya.
♥Jika engkau berdiam diri (kerana malu hendak meminta), ia akan menanyakan kesusahanmu.
♥Jika datang sesuatu bencana menimpa dirimu, ia akan meringankan kesusahanmu(membuat sesuatu untuk menghilangkan kesusahan itu).
♥Jika engkau berkata kepadanya, nescaya ia akan membenarkanmu.
♥Jika engkau merancangkan sesuatu, nescaya ia akan membantumu.
♥Jika kamu berdua berselisih faham,
nescaya ia lebih senang mengalah untuk menjaga kepentingan persahabatan.
♥Jika engkau rapatkan persahabatan dengannya, dia akan membalas baik persahabatanmu itu.
♥Jika engkau perlukan pertolongan daripadanya berupa wang dan sebagainya ia akan membantumu.
♥Jika engkau menghulurkan sesuatu kebaikan kepadanya, ia akan menerima dengan baik.
♥Jika ia mendapat sesuatu kabajikan (bantuan) daripadamu, ia akan menghargai atau menyebut kebaikanmu.
♥Jika ia melihat sesuatu yang tidak baik daripadamu, ia akan menutupnya.
♥Jika engkau meminta sesuatu bantuan daripadanya, ia akan mengusahakannya.
♥Jika engkau berdiam diri (kerana malu hendak meminta), ia akan menanyakan kesusahanmu.
♥Jika datang sesuatu bencana menimpa dirimu, ia akan meringankan kesusahanmu(membuat sesuatu untuk menghilangkan kesusahan itu).
♥Jika engkau berkata kepadanya, nescaya ia akan membenarkanmu.
♥Jika engkau merancangkan sesuatu, nescaya ia akan membantumu.
♥Jika kamu berdua berselisih faham,
nescaya ia lebih senang mengalah untuk menjaga kepentingan persahabatan.
newbie here...
1st times using blog sys...
dunno wut really i can do here...but it atleast i can do instead of mkn titon je kn....
da la bgn titon lmbt,ehehe...titon lak time org lain sibuk nk g kje...tue la hakikat seorng yg tgh tanam anggur...
anyways,here a bit bout what i love to do while "lepaking" at home...facing my damn lovely pc everyday is part of the routine.watching movies which i download through the bittorent,quite new to it...anyone can suggest torrent site for me would be nice to hear from you guy...
meanwhile,i had register for my license class(driving)...ahaha...to old for that i think...anyways,that how it goes.either way i still need a license to drive...munchkin do laugh at me...
guys,any idea what should i put in my blog....
do PM me...
thank in advance...
1st times using blog sys...
dunno wut really i can do here...but it atleast i can do instead of mkn titon je kn....
da la bgn titon lmbt,ehehe...titon lak time org lain sibuk nk g kje...tue la hakikat seorng yg tgh tanam anggur...
anyways,here a bit bout what i love to do while "lepaking" at home...facing my damn lovely pc everyday is part of the routine.watching movies which i download through the bittorent,quite new to it...anyone can suggest torrent site for me would be nice to hear from you guy...
meanwhile,i had register for my license class(driving)...ahaha...to old for that i think...anyways,that how it goes.either way i still need a license to drive...munchkin do laugh at me...
guys,any idea what should i put in my blog....
do PM me...
thank in advance...
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